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The Kombat Tomb Podcast - Christmas Special


Dojo Trainee
You guys are assholes. I'm always trying to find time to catch up on the earlier episodes, and then you just keep releasing more at unpredictable times.

Good shit, as always.


Come On Die Young
I will no longer be supporting 16bit due to his comments on Lord of the Rings vs Star Wars.

Star Wars is ass. It has always been ass. Dumbest science fiction universe ever created. If you don't like LOTR you can go fuck yourself.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Its only fitting to give a shout out to K7 for putting this podcast together and allowing me and 16 Bit to pretty much just be a couple of jackasses on his show. lol Awesome job dude and we'll keep going as long as you do.


lol two things.
1. Why'd you cut out Slips top 5 people he wanted to play at Final Round? Is it like in another video or something?
2. Any entire video for Christmas music?

Other than that it was very...informative. More funny than informative though.


Grapple > Footsies
Its not on the front cuz there's zero MK talk. I dunno I made the Xmas banner so I wanted to use it for something haha.


The Free Meter Police
Looks like I better get to winning tournaments so I can be on this show. Hahaha. If that's not the best motivation, I don't know what is.


Sex Kick
I missed out. I had an awesome christmas party story about a girl to tell. : (
I can't wait to get home and listen to this though.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I will no longer be supporting 16bit due to his comments on Lord of the Rings vs Star Wars.

Star Wars is ass. It has always been ass. Dumbest science fiction universe ever created. If you don't like LOTR you can go fuck yourself.
Sorry im late to the party but this is all kinds of win. Jus sayin'

Sent from Somewhere to Somewhere Else
We didn't end up doing a Xmas show so this is just like random funny clips and stuff.
Yo K7 keep doing this man, I always listen to this when it comes out. im always so tired and when I just lay on my bed, i can always listen to your podcast. I hope you will keep doing this for a long time man, peace