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The Joker vs Deadpool Choreographed Fight!


Mad scientist
This is how the Joker met Deadpool. This is not a combo video. (thought I'd try something different).

This is a fight choreographed around each characters quotes from their respective games. Essentially, its a mash-up between the Deadpool game and Injustice Gods Among Us.



yeah I think cutting it to like 2mins would have been better (if the first is successful, make a series)


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
9:15 and onward, man. Incredible humor.
Only now do I know that these games share dialogue that seem to be made for one another-- and that dialogue is about Batman turning gay for Deadpool's butt.
Also, transitions into transitions is something I loved using in my video too. Real fun.