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The ignorance


What the hell MK9 kommunity members?

- It is half a year since the input bug was discovered, explained, proven to exist and still I hear "Oh, he wanted to do a special, but he got the input bug and got messed up" - THE INPUT BUG IS NOT APPLICABLE TO SPECIALS! IT'S ONLY LOW ATTACK SPECIFIC!

- It's been several months since the random frame advantage was discovered, proven to exist and somewhat explained and I still hear "Oh, he can't poke out because he has to respect Johnny Cage's f3 because it has random frame advantage and you never know when it'll hit you" - RANDOM FRAME ADVANTAGE HAPPENS ONLY WHEN TRYING TO JUMP AFTER BLOCKING A CERTAIN MOVE! DOING NORMALS CANCELS THE RANDOM FRAME ADVANTAGE!

-It's been a while since Somberness found out about player 1 advantage and made a thread about it, everybody knows, yet very few seem to understand it. P1 ADVANTAGE GIVES THE GAME CONSISTENCY! Yes, it may be a lazy way to do it, but at least it's consistent and everybody knows who has it, thus knowing how to make use of it or counter it.

And all of this bs I hear on stream from well-known players (Tom Brady at MLG, for example).

And one more thing, since Mortal Kombat became an e-sport with MLG, I really think anyone who participates in it's development as a competitive franchise should use the correct terms of the game and make it unique, for example ENHANCED SPECIALS, not ex. This is Mortal Kombat people, make it special.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Someone complaining about the complaining #hypocrite
Lol but in all seriousness we just try to blow up this game when we can cause its actually really good for the most part.


Yes, one more thing (thanks Wonder Chef):
- It's know from the beginning that MK has a pretty sensitive negative edge, this is when you input your commands in another order than the usual or too close to one another and you get a special when not intended. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET NEGATIVE EDGE ON STNDING 4? YOU DON'T! IT'S ONLY APPLICABLE TO SPECIALS! If I'm not mistaking, negative edge does not apply even to normals that have more than 1 button to press.


A prop on the stage of life.
We went over the EN thing a LOOOOOOOONG time ago. EX, EN...who gives? EX is easier to say than enhanced. We've been saying EX because it means the same thing as it does in other fighters. P1 advantage is still retarded. The input bug though...I swear to god I'll be playing my friend and try to do a low poke after blocking one of his strings and all of a sudden my guy just stands up..I whiff a standing 3 or 1 and eat an uppercut. Shits retarded. The only character I personally have a problem with negative edge is kenshi..and arguably so. Its just one part of a bnb I do.


The input bug though...I swear to god I'll be playing my friend and try to do a low poke after blocking one of his strings and all of a sudden my guy just stands up..I whiff a standing 3 or 1 and eat an uppercut. Shits retarded.
Eating an uppercut is one thing, but getting full comboed for a 15 frame standing 3 is an complete crap.


Original Liu Kang cop.
The alleged Shang Tsung soul steal glitch. I get so tired of hearing, "Oh I wonder if he has the permanent damage boost."

There is no glitch, PLEASE stop asking about when a Shang is on stream.


Master of Quanculations
What the hell MK9 kommunity members?

- It is half a year since the input bug was discovered, explained, proven to exist and still I hear "Oh, he wanted to do a special, but he got the input bug and got messed up" - THE INPUT BUG IS NOT APPLICABLE TO SPECIALS! IT'S ONLY LOW ATTACK SPECIFIC!

- It's been several months since the random frame advantage was discovered, proven to exist and somewhat explained and I still hear "Oh, he can't poke out because he has to respect Johnny Cage's f3 because it has random frame advantage and you never know when it'll hit you" - RANDOM FRAME ADVANTAGE HAPPENS ONLY WHEN TRYING TO JUMP AFTER BLOCKING A CERTAIN MOVE! DOING NORMALS CANCELS THE RANDOM FRAME ADVANTAGE!

-It's been a while since Somberness found out about player 1 advantage and made a thread about it, everybody knows, yet very few seem to understand it. P1 ADVANTAGE GIVES THE GAME CONSISTENCY! Yes, it may be a lazy way to do it, but at least it's consistent and everybody knows who has it, thus knowing how to make use of it or counter it.

And all of this bs I hear on stream from well-known players (Tom Brady at MLG, for example).

And one more thing, since Mortal Kombat became an e-sport with MLG, I really think anyone who participates in it's development as a competitive franchise should use the correct terms of the game and make it unique, for example ENHANCED SPECIALS, not ex. This is Mortal Kombat people, make it special.
You're wrong about the F3 random advantage thing. Blocking low against some character's moves, F3 included, causes an input bug. Your character will randomly stand when you let go of block. This is not from trying to jump. You can be holding down for 5 seconds, against 10 F3's..then let go of block to poke and suddenly get a standing attack. That's a huge problem against someone like Cage who can continually pressure you with a neutral mid-hitting move that confirms into the nutpunch. And you can't stand block it because of his frame traps. So this "trying to jump and causing advantage" really isn't the whole pictures as to why F3 is so good.

It's because it's a mid-hitting, neutral on block, 9 frame, combo-nutpunch starter, that causes input bugs when you try to poke out from blocking low,...which you MUST block low because you'll be caught in EX forceball frame traps and low pokes all day.


You're wrong about the F3 random advantage thing. Blocking low against some character's moves, F3 included, causes an input bug. Your character will randomly stand when you let go of block. This is not from trying to jump. You can be holding down for 5 seconds, against 10 F3's..then let go of block to poke and suddenly get a standing attack. That's a huge problem against someone like Cage who can continually pressure you with a neutral mid-hitting move that confirms into the nutpunch. And you can't stand block it because of his frame traps. So this "trying to jump and causing advantage" really isn't the whole pictures as to why F3 is so good.

It's because it's a mid-hitting, neutral on block, 9 frame, combo-nutpunch starter, that causes input bugs when you try to poke out from blocking low,...which you MUST block low because you'll be caught in EX forceball frame traps and low pokes all day.
Have you tested this? I've gone into the lab and tried to do d1 after a low blocked F3. Sometimes I'd see my character stand up briefly but I would consistently beat the next f3.


A prop on the stage of life.
Eating an uppercut is one thing, but getting full comboed for a 15 frame standing 3 is an complete crap.
You know what the strange thing is? This doesn't just happen on occasion. It happens ALOT. No mater what character I'm using. That was just an example, and I still eat his quan chi combos which lead to rune traps and then he kills me. One question though. If the input bug only affects standing attacks, then how come when TB was playing and did lots of standing 4's people said it was the input bug? My friend did a bnb with subzero that ended with slide, you could see the inputs on the side of the screen(training mode), yet instead of slide he did freeze. 3 was not used at all.


Master of Quanculations
See? This is what I'm talking about. Misinformation all over the place. Even I may be wrong. This is what Somberness said in post #151 http://testyourmight.com/threads/random-advantage-bug-project.13981/page-8 The random animation is cancelled if you do any attack, it only holds you in place if you are trying to jump out.
This is not "what you're talking about." Holding crouch block and simply releasing block will cause a standing animation. If you try to poke during that glitch, you'll get a standing attack from the input bug. That's "what I'm talking about."


This is not "what you're talking about." Holding crouch block and simply releasing block will cause a standing animation. If you try to poke during that glitch, you'll get a standing attack from the input bug. That's "what I'm talking about."


Master of Quanculations
Have you tested this? I've gone into the lab and tried to do d1 after a low blocked F3. Sometimes I'd see my character stand up briefly but I would consistently beat the next f3.
Yeah man it happens to me all the time fighting against my friend's Liu Kang. He comes in with low pokes and B3 pressure. I'm holding crouch block the entire time, and I simply press 3 to do a D3 and I get a standing 3. I've already talked to Sombreness about this and he confirmed it.


Master of Quanculations
Dude this shit was confirmed ages ago. And I reconfirmed it in a PM conversation with Somberness just a few weeks ago when I kept getting standing 3 when I tried to D3 after holding crouch block during pressure. Learn what you're fucking talking about before you call people out for being idiots.


Dude this shit was confirmed ages ago. And I reconfirmed it in a PM conversation with Somberness just a few weeks ago when I kept getting standing 3 when I tried to D3 after holding crouch block during pressure. Learn what you're fucking talking about before you call people out for being idiots.
Sorry man, but I didn't call anyone an idiot. The purpose of this thread was not to discuss the input bug in the first place.


Master of Quanculations
Sorry man, but I didn't call anyone an idiot. The purpose of this thread was not to discuss the input bug in the first place.
The point of your post was to call people out for being ignorant about the game, and in that very post you used incorrect information about the input bug in relation to the crouch blocking glitch. That incorrect information was also tied to what you were saying about Cage's F3 pressure. I corrected you on those things, and your response was to quote my post and say "See, this is what I'm talking about", implying that I share this ignorance you're accusing everyone else of having. So yeah, you're calling people idiots.


Show me what you can do
I don't mean any disrespect, but I agree with Mayo's post.

The only thing I have to say is the whole EX and enhanced thing. That's just unneccessary complaining, which your complaining about in the first place.

Again, I don't mean any disrespect. Just my two cents.