We'll burn you all—that is your fate!

This week at The Break Weekly we had a very stacked tournament. 16 people entered the doors of The Break Arcade but only one could stand out on top.
Notable Mentions:
Masta CJ Makes his return to The Break in an attempt to show who the real Masta of Injustice is.
Rico Suave makes his return looking slightly more swole than before but still nothing in comparison to Decay
Tom Brady steps down from his throne to show everyone at the Break what his offline training has taught him
Sonic Fox finds a way to escape the Zoo and scurries over to the Break
Ronald Rogan Returns to the Break after his Hand Finally heals
Claude Von Stroke comes to the Break showing he actually knows KF Combos
SSZero runs as fast as he can to the Break and makes it just in time
People Missing:
Revolver was too busy working on his Lex Suit to Enter
Indecisive was too busy being Emo to enter the tournament
Theonidas and Herkuhles Both were too tired from training to attend
Zyphox could not attend because Sonic Fox tricked him into releasing him from his cage then trapping Zyphox at the zoo
Buupiter Realized he was too Hollywood to go to the Break
Looking at the bracket we had Lord Decay Going up Against SSZero. Lord Decay walks up to the stage grabbing his cigar and readying up his Shot gun. While SSZero begins running a circle and reappeared wearing a red suit. The Match began with SSZero showing off his speed powers by running around Decay in an attempt to confuse him. All while throwing out random punches left and right. Decay watched in awe as the speedster ran around him. Decay attempted to block each punch but to no avail. But Decay kept a cool head. He closed his eyes and began to think while each punch went at him. Decay then opened his eyes with a grin on his face. Grabbing his chain he threw it into the vortex around him and let go. In an instance we see SSZero trapped in the chain Decay released. Decay pokes SSZero in the Head knocking him over. Decay takes the Match.
The next match we have Tom Brady Vs Icy. Icy puts on his wings while Brady steps off his throne with trident in hand ready for battle. As the match starts Icy takes to the skies and begins by throwing his mace at Brady. Brady stood his ground blocking the thrown mace but to his amazement the mace returned to Icy. As the mace returned Icy decided to throw it once again but Tom responded this time by knocking the mace to the side with his trident. But to his amazement the mace returned to Icy yet again. Knowing that he was not able to fly Tom continue to stand his ground. Icy seeing as his mace was not doing much decided to go in on Tom flying at him at full force. But Tom was ready stepping out of the way of the assault and hitting Icy in the back with his trident and making sure he could not fly away. Tom Brady takes it.
Next match pits Rico Suave against King Jamez. Rico Calls forth the Power of the Wizard. Lighting coming from the Sky Changing him into Black Adam. While Jamez Slams his ring into his power source changing into Green Lantern. Rico Floats back slowly while King Jamez Begins shooting pellets from his ring. Rico decided to just keep floating back avoiding each shot. Jamez not liking the way the match was going decided to go in against Rico. First going for a low kick Rico quickly blocks the kick. Jamez then try to go for a punch but Rico quickly punishes Jamez by electrocuting him with his fingers. Jamez Slowly gets up from the attack and notices Rico floating back more. Thinking that Rico is being Smug King Jamez Charges at him going for the low kick again but this time Jamez quickly got up and created two rockets to try and hit Rico. Sadly Rico was able to run up to King Jamez and grab him before the rockets could come out. Rico whispered the words Shazam! and lifted James up in the air. A bolt of lightning came down from the sky shocking King Jamez until he passed out. Rico wins the Match
Next match puts up Ronald Rogan up against Grr. Ronal Rogan also calls forth the power of the Wizard. Yelling Shazam he changes forms into the mighty hero Shazam. Although Grr decides to get out a can of laughing gas and some face paint to look like the Joker. With a confused look Ronald Rogan Gets ready for the battle. Grr begins the match by putting out a gun and firing at Rogan. Rogan attempts to teleport around the gun shot but they are too fast for Rogan to he has to stick to ducking under each shot and trying to get in. As Rogan gets close Grr fights back with a flower that shots acid. Rogan takes the acid flower to the chest feeling a slight burn. Rogan attempts to fight back by throwing lightning bolts but Grr responds by throwing a pie. while Distracted Grr gets up and close and begins to beat Rogan up with a gas canister and finally sending him flying with a rocket launcher. Grr takes the match
The next match has Darth Arma up against Jonnitti. Arma steps out of his initial D mobile while Nitti loads up his weapons ready to fight. Nitti steps back and begins firing at Arma. Arma remains standing though thanks to his bullet proof suit. As Nitti continues to fire Arma is able to find the time to push a few buttons on his arm creating bats out of nowhere. As Nitti begins to pull the trigger on his gun again Arma quickly releases the bats. The bats strike Nitti's hands making him drop the guns to the ground. Arma runs up to Nitti and kicks him in the face sending him to the ground. Arma takes the match.
Next Match Pits Claude Von Stroke vs Sonic Fox. Claude injects himself with a strange serum slowly turning him into some sort of ice creature. While Sonic Fox puts on his Bat mask and Fox Tail. The match starts with both player gong at each other at the same time. Neither player wants to step back they both want to go in and fight. Both Sonicc and Claude begin to throw hit after hit at hit. But as Claude was able to go for a slide attempt Sonic Fox Quickly goes for a cartwheel attack send Claude back. Sonic Fox hops towards Claude but quickly jumps back when he sees Claude go for a Slide while he was trying to get up. Sonic Fox then goes into a barrage of high punches and low kicks until Claude falls to the ground in defeat. Sonic Fox takes the match.
Next match puts up KDZ against Mind games. Mind Games quickly borrows Sonic Foxes Bat Mask but lets him keep his Fox tail. While KDZ opens up his button up shirt revealing an S. Mind Games stays some what careful since he knows that one punch could be his demise while facing against KDZ. But KDZ does not care. KDZ goes forward at Mind Games throwing punch after punch. Mind Games carefully avoids each punch while trying to find the right chance to go for a counter hit. But KDZ is relentless in his assault knowing that if he gives Mind Games the chance to get his game going will spell his demise. In the back Sonic Fox yells "Go Yolo". Mind Games looks into his heart trying to find his Inner Yolo and goes for an uppercut sending him into the air at KDZ. But KDZ knew it was coming and punishes Mind Games with a Punch to the face sending him flying. KDZ takes the Match
The next page bring us Shock against Masta CJ. Both Players pick up their own respective tridents and get ready to do battle with each other. Shock begins with the first attack surprising CJ. Shocks trident goes at CJ stabbing him slightly in the arm. Shock continues to repeat the process stabbing CJ multiple times. CJ then concentrates making his entire body wet so he is able to get out of the stabbing barrage. Once free CJ begins his onslaught. But instead Trips Shock with his trident. As Shock goes to the ground CJ stabs him and brings forth lighting shocking Shock. CJ Takes the Match.
The next Chapter bits up Lord Decay against Tom Brady. Tom lifts up his trident while Decay gets his Shot Gun Ready. Decay begins the offensive by trying to deliver a punch to Tom's face. Tom blocks the punch but Decay tries to get sneaky and go for a trip but Tom is ready and blocks that as well. Decay then quickly tries to grab Brady by the legs but Tom steps but and smacks Decay with his Trident. Decay gets up looking at Tom who quickly slams his trident into the ground. Decay looks under him and sees the top of the trident come through the ground and quickly avoids it. Decay fires back at Brady but Brady quickly deflects the shot with his trident. Decay carefully advances towards Brady and quickly tries to grab his legs but yet again Brady steps back and Smacks Decay with his trident sending him into the wall. Brady takes the Match
Next up we See Rico Suave up against Grr. For this match Rico decides to pick up his own trident while Grr Venoms up in this match ready to armor through everything. Rico Carefully steps back at the start of the match while Grr dashes at Rico. Rico quickly stabs Grr in the legs and then stabs Grr multiple times with his trident. Grr Staggers back and Activates his venom and carefully goes in. Grr then hits Rico in the head with a punch knocking him to the ground. Rico looks up at the monster eyeing his venom. Grr attempts to grab Rico but is not able to as Rico jumps over the grab and cuts Grr's Venom sending him to the ground. Rico takes the Match
Next match pits Student Vs Teacher. Arma suits up in his Batman Outfit. While Sonic Fox suits up in his fox outfit while adding a bat mask too it. This was actually a really good match so i'll let you all watch it for yourself.
The next Match pits up KDZ vs Masta CJ. This was also another good match. So many good matches. I figure that this one should be watched for yourselves as well.
For the record the reason why i did the above is because i cannot think of anything to say. And cause KDZ Changes Characters and such. So instead of attempting to bullshit a fight sequence that may not be that amazing i figured to show the matches instead if doable. Sorry

The next Page pits up Tom Brady Vs Rico Suave. Tom Brady Picks up his Trident while Rico reverts to using the power of the wizard. Each Player stand on carefully trying to not do anything they will regret. Rico makes the first move by throwing lighting at Tom but Tom is able to jump back and punish Rico by slamming his Trident through the ground. Tom then begins to go forward at Rico making sure to use his trident to get extra range for his attacks. Rico Quickly Avoids one of the trident hits and grabs on to the trident. Yelling Shazam Rico uses the Trident as a conductor to shock Tom. But as the lighting came down Ton Kicked Rico back. With his trident hold the lighting Tom sent it back at Rico turning him back into his mortal form. Tonm Brady takes the match.
Next we see the Yolo vs the Marvel. Sonic Fox vs Masta CJ. Sonic Fox Begins his attack on Masta CJ giving him no room to breathe or to get started. Sonic Fox mixes up his hits with multiple punches to the head and Kicks to the feet. CJ attempts to slip out of the Mix ups but Sonic Fox has prepared with this waiting for the water to run dry before starting his assault again. With all the hits it becomes too much for CJ to handle as he falls to the ground in defeat. Sonic Fox takes the Match.
As all this is happen lets take a look at the losers side of the bracket. First up we have SSZero vs Icy. Speed vs Flight. Who will win. Icy takes to the sky yet again while SSZero is stick to the ground. Icy takes full advantage of this as SSZero cannot think of a way to get Icy down to the ground. Icy begins to fly down and hit SSZero with his Mace. SSZero attempts to run from the Bird but Icy throws his Mace and it begins to follow SSZero until it chances up to him and knocks him out. Icy takes the match
The next match Pits King James Vs Ronald Rogan. Both players call forth the power of the lantern Corps. King Jamez The power of the Green Lanterns while Rogan the Yellow Lanterns. Rogan attempts to stay away from Jamez and stay full screen and fire multiple pellets. But King Jamez Carefully navigates through the pellets. Once close he showed the yellow lantern what he was able to do. Using his ring he lifted the Yellow lantern into the air and slammed him on to the ground. Rogan slowly got up trying to create arachnid like arms from his back to push King Jamez back but Jamez expected that and created a minigun and began firing. It was too much for Rogan as he falls to the ground. King Jamez takes the match.
The next match puts Jonnitti vs Claude Von Stroke. The Merc vs the Ice guy. Claude starts the match with a slide but this match instead of firing shots Jonnitti decided to jump back and hit Claude with his sword knocking him back. Once he was far enough Nitti began to fire. Claude attempted to punish the guns by calling out an iceberg from the ground under Nitti but Nitti was too fast and jumped back and fired more shots at Claude. Not knowing what to do Claude did what he thought was right. Claude attempted to slide all the way across the battlefield but Nitti began to open fire on Claude ending the battle. Nitti takes the match.
Mind Games vs Shock is the next Match. Mind Games looks back on the match of Sonic Fox vs CJ and realizes what to do while Shock picks up his Trident. Mind Games Goes in for this match even though he knows a hit from the trident will end him. A high punch here, a low punch there and Mind Games takes the match against Shock.
On the next page we have KDZ Vs Icy. Icy takes to the Sky and so does KDZ. KDZ begins firing laser at the bird while Icy attempt to avoid each shot. Icy tries to fight back by throwing his mace at KDZ. The Mace makes contact and hits Kdz in the face. But Kdz shrugs of the hit and flies quickly at Icy. Icy closes his eyes but when he opens them he sees that Kdz has his mace in his hands. With a smirk Kdz begins to spin around in the air and throws the mace back at Icy knocking him out of the sky. Kdz takes the Match.
Next match has Arma vs King Jamez. Arma suits up while King Jamez Rings up. The match actually starts with a simple conversation. The two begin to talk about random things. After the talk the get ready to fight but King Jamez notices that his ring is not on his finger. He watches as Arma walks away with his Ring. Arma takes the match.
The next match has Jonnitti vs Grr. Grr venoms up while Jonnitti loads up. Nitti jumps back and begins firing yet again. Grr decides its time to venom up. As Jonnitti kept firing he noticed that the bullets went through Grr. Thinking that he missed he attempted to fire again but nothing. Grr slowly began to walk toward Jonnitti. In retaliation Nitti pulled out hiss sword and tries to swing it at Grr but the sword shatters. Grr picks up Jonnitti with one arm and crushes him. Grr takes the Match
The next match pits Decay against Mind Games. Sonic Fox gives Mind Games Advice while Decay gets out his shot gun. The match begins and Mind Goes in on Decay to try and confuse him. But Decay uses his chain to push Mind Games back. Decay loads up his Shotgun ready to fire. Mind Games Tries to go at Decay again but this time he tries to jump. Again Decay uses his chain to push Mind Games back. Decay walked forward ready to fire his shot gun. But Ming Games thinks fast and throws a batarang at the shot gun. The gun blows up in Decays Face sending him flying. Mind Games takes the match.
The next page has a match that people see often. KDZ Vs Darth Arma. This match is interesting because Arma takes out his old Venom kit. And KDZ puts his button up shirt back on and pulls out his Lasso and sword and shield. The match begins and Arma is very patient. Not wanting to lose his Venom but KDZ decides to go in. With a mix of punches and Kicks Arma waits for his time to strike. Arma sees a gap in the punches and kicks and quickly slams the Venom putton and Uppercuts KDZ. While KDZ is flying in the Air Arma Grabs him back down to the ground. Kdz attempts to get up but Arma is too quick and picks up Kdz and slams him back to the ground. Arma attempts to do this again but Kdz flies up into the sky knocking Arma back. While Arma is on his Back Kdz quickly thows his sword cutting the venom tube. Kdz takes the match.
In the Next match we have Grr vs Mind Games. And the match starts with Grr going at Mind Games. Mind Games gets out of the way of the giant and tries to throw batarangs to cut the venom tubes. But Grr quickly turns around and swats the toys away. With a yell Grr runs at Mind games. Mind Games Tries to Jump out of the way but Grr grabs him out of the sky and slams him to the ground. Mind Games gets up and quickly cartwheels but Grr Jumps and gets ready to body slam Mind Games. Mind Games looks up as a shadow slowly went down and crushes him. Grr Takes the match.
On the next page we have KDZ vs Rico. Another very common match. Something we see almost every week. This week Kdz takes his Lasso, sword and shield while Rico takes the power of the wizards. Kdz attempts to be as aggressive as possible against Rico but is not able to get a solid hit. Rico knows that if get hit with that lasso then he loses the match. Rico is able to find an opening and strike using his lightning hand to put up some distance between Himself and Kdz. Although instead of Staying back Rico goes in using his lightning to try and catch Kdz off guard. Kdz attempts to use his lasso and catches Rico by the arm. But before Kdz can speak Rico Yells SHAZAM! sending the electricity at Kdz Knocking him out and turning Rico into his normal self. Rico takes the Mach.
After that We see Masta CJ vs Grr. Cj Picks up his Trident while Grr loads up his Venom. Grr at the start slams the venom on. Not wanting to waste anytime. Grr runs up to CJ and Grabs him and slams him onto the ground. CJ attempts to get off the ground but Grr quickly steps on CJ's hand crushing it that way he is not able to use his trident anymore. CJ gets up and grabs his now broken hand and looks up at Grr and quickly sees Grr's knee coming at his Face. CJ gets hit into the air and Grr quickly grabs him back to the ground and Break his back. Grr takes the Match.
The Next match is a rematch. We have Rico Suave vs Grr. Rico Again picks up his Trident for this match. While Grr Venoms up. Grr Starts the match by activating his Venom right away and goes for a punch but while attempts to block Grr quickly jumps up and drops kick Rico Sending him Back across the room. Grr begins to charge but Rico gets up and begins to stab Grr with his trident. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!. Grr was not phased too much by this and attempted to grab Rico but Rico quickly jumps and punishes Grr by smacking him around with his Trident. Grr attempts to fight back but does notice that Rico is went for his legs and Trips Grr. Rico Quickly Stabs Grr in the back with his Trident Destroying his Venom tank. Rico Takes the Match.
Winners Finals. Tom Brady Vs Sonic Fox
Losers Finals. Tom Brady vs Rico Suave
Grand Finals. Sonic Fox Vs Rico Suave

From left to right: Rico Suave, Sonic Fox, Tom Brady
The Revolution has Begun as top 3 this week had each player sponsored by Revolution Gaming.
First Place: Sonic Fox (Batgirl)(Foxes)(Yolo)
Second Place: Rico Suave (Black Adam)(Aquaman)(Swole)
Third Place: Tom Brady (Aquaman)(Sub Zero MK9 Version)(Sub Zero MK X Version)
Challonge Brackets
For the rest of the matches go on here:
Ultra Street Fighter 4:
For those of you who want to watch some Ultra SF then you are in luck because a good amount of the matches were streamed for Ultra this week. Below is the link to Jaxel's YouTube Channel were you will be able to view some of the SF Matches from this Week.
8 On the Break is Located:
Address: 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: (732) 752-8880
The Tournament is Hosted by KDZ Every Tuesday at around 8:30pm 9:00pm. The Tournament is also Streamed by Jaxel over at 8 Way Run. And the Brackets are made and called by Hacker. Please Make sure to support the stream by following, Subscribing, Turning off ad block, or subscribing to his YouTube channel. Tournament entry is $10 Dollars. With no venue fee. Thats right. NO VENUE FEE. Stop by and play with some of the best Injustice Players the Area has to Offer. Meet new people and level up. If you are in the area you should also check out the Break which holds many different games. And is home to the Break Steak Special.
This Weekend will be MLG. So for all of you going i wish you good luck. In both KI and Injustice. I will be watching. HYPE.
@CrimsonShadow @STORMS @AK RM Blake Who wants to front page this. ALSO DON'T GET RID OF THE PICTURES. DAMMIT.
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