I always tell my friends that "if had been given a time-frame of some more fluent profitable years in the 90s, Midway might have had launched their own console..."
...you'd think I'm mad, maybe so, but looking at the technical history of Midway, their mastery at the electronic devices and their special Zeus & Zeus-2 processors, that rivalled Dreamcast's multi-million polygon crunching power(please keep in mind that Dreamcast was a full on research product capable of throwing 3 Million polygons per second at best, while Zeus hardware series was simple strokes of genius and even Zeus-1 was able to throw 1.2 Million polygons per second even not being a full fledged research product... it powered MK4!), Midway might have challenged Sony and Nintendo at that time.
Well fellows, there used to be a site titled mkx.org back in 2000, that is long dead now. It had great content around the making of MK4, the first 3D MK project that Midway did. MK4 was larger than life but a lot of content was cut from the final game release. Midway made everything in pre-rendered CGI to achieve the final look of the game. The website contained images and videos of those CGI renderings. I collected most of the stuff from that website but somehow I have lost those tiny little videos. A few videos are in MK: Deception's Kontent section.
Much more information about that ambitious and great first 3D MK project, would-have-been features and a look at the would-have-been stages is available after the jump...
Link is Here:
MK4 Development Through CGI
You know I posted those over a year and some of you might have been there already, but I'm posting a link here only for those who might've missed the stuff. Thanks and enjoy

...you'd think I'm mad, maybe so, but looking at the technical history of Midway, their mastery at the electronic devices and their special Zeus & Zeus-2 processors, that rivalled Dreamcast's multi-million polygon crunching power(please keep in mind that Dreamcast was a full on research product capable of throwing 3 Million polygons per second at best, while Zeus hardware series was simple strokes of genius and even Zeus-1 was able to throw 1.2 Million polygons per second even not being a full fledged research product... it powered MK4!), Midway might have challenged Sony and Nintendo at that time.
Well fellows, there used to be a site titled mkx.org back in 2000, that is long dead now. It had great content around the making of MK4, the first 3D MK project that Midway did. MK4 was larger than life but a lot of content was cut from the final game release. Midway made everything in pre-rendered CGI to achieve the final look of the game. The website contained images and videos of those CGI renderings. I collected most of the stuff from that website but somehow I have lost those tiny little videos. A few videos are in MK: Deception's Kontent section.
Much more information about that ambitious and great first 3D MK project, would-have-been features and a look at the would-have-been stages is available after the jump...
Link is Here:
MK4 Development Through CGI
You know I posted those over a year and some of you might have been there already, but I'm posting a link here only for those who might've missed the stuff. Thanks and enjoy