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The Dark Knight Rises: New Trailers


*spoiler alert*

I got to see the new Dark Knight Rises trailer in IMAX Thursday night and it looks like its finally starting to hit the web!

Heres another Trailer I've never seen before sort of hinting at Catwoman's motives as well.

*Edit: WB already took down the 2nd trailer link, sorry..*

Hopefully the first link won't get taken down but I wanted to talk about what people think of the trailer? There is a lot of criticism about Banes voice, I've listened to it a few times and his voice is starting to really grow on me. The hard sound bits to hear he says the following

- when Gotham is in ashes, you have my permission to die
- No, they expect one of us in the wreckage brother.



I found a pretty cool comic that could have been some material that inspired Nolan.


I've heard a lot of good stories referenced actually such as the longest Halloween which i really enjoyed.

What do you guys think the main plot of the story will be?

Bane seems to me like the opposite of joker. He plans everything out, he can outsmart Batman, He's strong as hell willing to rip limbs off of people if he wants and he seems to be almost like a cult leader with followers willing to die for his cause.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
The voice is just killing me man...it feels so mechanical, without emotion i dunno. I just hope Nolan pulls it off, if anyone can it's him.


lol sorry I didn't give much criticism to it for sake of conversation..

It looks great. Is there a set release date or is it still just the summer? Bane's voice is.. strange. Isn't Tom Hardy playing him? He doesn't seem himself. In Inception he looked a bit more buff IIRC and he doesn't seem as hulk-ish as I would expect.


lol sorry I didn't give much criticism to it for sake of conversation..

It looks great. Is there a set release date or is it still just the summer? Bane's voice is.. strange. Isn't Tom Hardy playing him? He doesn't seem himself. In Inception he looked a bit more buff IIRC and he doesn't seem as hulk-ish as I would expect.
July 20th 2012. Yea Bane doesn't seem huge as you would think, I feel like that is Nolan trying to flush the idea of him being a big strong/stupid guy. If you read the wiki article about Bane it explains why he might have the accent.


Here is an excerpt listing his powers and abilities.

Bane is highly intelligent; in Bane of the Demon, Ra's al Ghul says that Bane "has a mind equal to the greatest he has known."[8] In prison, he taught himself various scientific disciplines equal to the level of understanding of leading experts in those fields.[4] He knows six active languages and at least two additional arcane and dead ones. Among these are Spanish, English, Urdu, Argh, Persian, and Latin.[8][37] The Bane of the Demon storyline reveals that he has a photographic memory. Within one year, he is able to deduce Batman's secret identity.[8]

He is also highly devious and a superb strategist and tactician.[4] In prison, Bane also invented his own form of calisthenics, meditation, and a unique fighting style.[8] Usage of Venom enhances his physical abilities, including his strength, and healing process to superhuman levels.[5][38][39] Although Bane had sworn off using Venom in Vengeance of Bane II in 1995, and his character is actually written as having kept that promise to himself, it is still not uncommon for artists to draw Bane as still wearing the tube leading from his old wrist device to the back of his head, as well as almost all media adaptions of the character show him actively using the Venom compound. Writer Gail Simone explained these lapses in the continuity of Bane's appearance in an issue of Secret Six, in which Deadshot remarked that Bane merely kept his old Venom equipment with him out of habit, even though he states that he would sooner die than use it again.[volume & issue needed]

My understanding is that his mask is attached to his jaw and probably a lot different than the venom system attached to his wrist.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Ohhh scratch that, in the trailer his voice sounds much much better than in the prologue. Sound badass!!


Ohhh scratch that, in the trailer his voice sounds much much better than in the prologue. Sound badass!!
I saw the actual trailer in IMAX and it will be very difficult to understand what he says, I barely caught half of it. In an interview with Nolan he sort of confirmed that his voice will be like that throughout the whole move and feels like it will enhance the replay value.

I like the voice but I have a feeling I will really want a copy of the movie with captions after the first watch. I will probably see it multiple times in theaters, just like the Dark Knight.


You will BOW to me!
The plot will be probably be based on the comic called "The Man Who Broke The Bat". Thats my guess. But we ll see.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Ok Ill try to make this brief as I can and to the point. Batman's spinal cord will be torn 40 min into this film by Bane, batman is in the hospital (please see original 45 sec teaser trailer) and he's on his death bed but dr strange comes in (who he is talking to in the trailer) and explains he can fix him. So here's what happens. Dr Strange whole plot is he wants nothing more than to become batman and he does in this film, Nolan will trick us and we wont know which batman it is we're seeing on screen but what will happen is batman will die in this movie near the end by Bane but then we come to realize that wasnt batman we were watching the whole time in the 2nd half, it was dr strange as batman and then "the dark knight rises" and saves the day. Bane is ultra smart but overlooks this possibility and drives him mad in a fit of rage and starts making mistakes. Some things i wanna point out. Please go view the original trailer, at the end it shows bane fighting batman.....look in the background, thats dr strange in the background obsessing over the one he wants to become. Dr Strange saves batman , becomes him and dies as him which is what he wanted. So in the end my question is if they will give off the impression to the public batman is dead using strange's body or not. this is a way for batman/bruce wayne to exit and technically be dead. Also go back and think about the quote "die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian" BOTH happen in this movie and its a perfect ending. This was garnered from source material nolan uses for his batman scripts

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Im pretty positive Nolan will use dr strange's real identity as batman's identity to protect bruce wayne. This means Nolan will kill off batman for he will be dead in the eyes of all because Hugo died


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
Oh come on people its nothing new bane broke batmans back.This is old shit.Doesnt really count as a spoiler.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
*spoiler alert*

I got to see the new Dark Knight Rises trailer in IMAX Thursday night and it looks like its finally starting to hit the web!

Heres another Trailer I've never seen before sort of hinting at Catwoman's motives as well.

*Edit: WB already took down the 2nd trailer link, sorry..*

Hopefully the first link won't get taken down but I wanted to talk about what people think of the trailer? There is a lot of criticism about Banes voice, I've listened to it a few times and his voice is starting to really grow on me. The hard sound bits to hear he says the following

- when Gotham is in ashes, you have my permission to die
- No, they expect one of us in the wreckage brother.

It's on youtube bro