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The AI Intelligence Discussion Thread.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Was talking to a couple of the fellas about it yesterday, figured it could use some bringing up and serious discussion.

For those of us with little means to battle offline, and no patience or tolerance for the myriad of pain that is trying to level up online, we are left with but one option: Expert AI.
And while there are some characters who cannot possibly live up to their destructive full potential (most of the top tier, actually), there are others who, for whatever reason, are almost deadlier in the hands of artificial hands than they are in those of a human.

For example:
-Kabal can't NDC, and thus any and every time he uses a Wake Up Dash, all you have to do is hold block, and he is yours to pummel.

-Neither Jax nor Cyrax can pull off their respective resets. Jax can still put up a fight as he was never designed to be a combo machine, but Cyrax pales in comparison to human capabilities.
-Liu won't B312 you to death, Cage can't frametrap, Skarlet can't blocktrap, Scorpion can't vortex, Ermac can't max damage you into the grave...the list goes on.

There are, however, a few exceptions.

-Rain and Freddy Krueger will both, more often than not, take you for as much damage as they're capable of.
-For whatever inexplicable reason (I thought I was just playing shitty until it was confirmed by others), JADE's AI is probably the most on-point and difficult to deal with out of the entire cast. Very rarely when doing battle with her does she ever miss a step or mistime a move. She doesn't just see your inputs coming and react accordingly, she makes you pay in spades for every mistake you make. If every character in the roster was as on-point in the Lab as she was, we wouldn't NEED to deal with online in the name of leveling up, and life would be a much prettier place.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Anyone else I should seek out for an AI ass-whooping?


24 Low Hat!
I'd also like to add that the worst AI's in the game are Kratos, Smoke, Sonya, Cage, Sub-Zero, Quan Chi, Ermac, and Liu Kang.

Kratos only does Hermes Dash, which is super punishable and really easy to read

Smoke rarely does anything but teleports and pokes

Sonya doesnt do anything at all. maybe a cartwheel once in a while. Lamest AI in the game

Cage sticks to flipkicks and shadow kicks only. No nutpunches, no F3, nothin

Sub Zero has an obnoxious habit of jump back kick then slide every 10 seconds. Lots of slides, some iceballs, the rare 212 string

Quan Chi just exclusively does Sky Drops as a wakeup. Knock him down once,block the sky drop, full combo punish, block the sky drop, full combo punish, block the sky drop...

Ermac is a teleport frenzy. Fighting him, you will swear wakeups are always on

Liu Kang is a good AI if you stand block. Duck block, and he will ALWAYS do Dragon stance 3, which is super readable and super punishable. He will dance around with fireballs and dragon kicks for a couple seconds, then eventually dash up to you and dragon stance. Fuzzy block the overhead and full combo punish. If he has full bars he might use his overhead x-ray, so watch out for that.

Best AI's: Jade, Rain, Kenshi, Baraka, Sektor

Jade reads your inputs and punishes you for stuff that hasnt even happened yet

Rain does 40-50% combos, no lie. Nice mixup game too

Kenshi has a decent zoning game, predictable but its still hard to get in on him

Baraka has a meter glitch where ex moves dont cost him meter. Ex blade charge all day. This doesnt make him a good AI per say, but its hard to beat him due to the game cheating.

Sektor is much like Jade, where if you try anything you eat iaTU. Ridiculous reads.


That is, not to say any of them are hard, just the hardest in comparison. All AI's stay down after a grab in practice mode, grab them as they get up and repeat the process. They might wakeup sometimes so look out for that.

AI's are very vulnerable to unblockable setups like Sub's B2 after freeze or Ermac's B2 after F4

All AI's have incredible AA abilities, they will jump kick you every time.

All AI's cannot block after some stagger strings. Ermac's 312 is one example.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
I play against the AI all the time to practice so i have some experience here. I don't do it to get match up experience. Mainly just to work on execution and reactions.

I'm thinking i might start playing on hard instead of Expert. it doesn't matter as far as wins and losses the AI is free but on Expert it will counter you at any chance it gets. To the point where it's un realistic to practice against because humans don't do that because if they did they would get blown up. For instance. With cage if you do one knee and don't follow up with 33 it will ALWAYS react. So basically you can't do that. Against a human that is a key mind game. Same with 11, 11f1 mind games. Can't do it against Expert AI.

Also i noted the AI gets crossed up a lot more than a good human player would. But you cannot just jump in at it, that's a good thing. It will jk the shit out of you if you try to. And i agree about jade, every time i see jade in expert AI i feel like I have to be on point! lol

Lt. Boxy Angelman

All AI's cannot block after some stagger strings. Ermac's 312 is one example.
I remember finding this and laughing my ass off 312'ing them from one end of the arena to the other.

I have yet to find an AI that'll punish Cyrax's pressure.
21, 21 Net, 12, 33 Net, 121 Net: Block, Block, Block, Block, Block.


24 Low Hat!
I remember finding this and laughing my ass off 312'ing them from one end of the arena to the other.

I have yet to find an AI that'll punish Cyrax's pressure.
21, 21 Net, 12, 33 Net, 121 Net: Block, Block, Block, Block, Block.
Thats another thing, the AI wont punish some things. Sub-Zero's ice ball is one, you can end all strings with it and it will never punish it on block.

Another thing with Sub Zero is if you do F4 ice ball, it will block the F4, try to hit you and get frozen every time. F4 ice ball on block = combo, F4 ice ball on hit = combo. lol win win


You can 21 skull them to death with quan too. They never interrupt

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xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Scorpion's AI is ridiculous when he gets knocked down. He spams the teleport almost every time. Just duck and uppercut. Too retardedly easy.


Warlock Nerd
knock kung lao down and get about jump distance away from him and duck. he will wakeup teleport 90% of the time, and thats a realistic estimate. its funny cuz i was playing expert AI for the first time in a long while and i was tripping on how all the low tier characters are the toughest ones to beat (baraka, jade, sheeva, rain, even kano). i cant stand how cyrax and sub zero wont even hit you sometimes after getting you in a net or freezing you. sometimes subby even freezes you out of a freeze for 2% damage lol. their wakeup can be godlike though; you unintentionally input an attack button anywhere near them when they are down and they will wakeup on your ass lol. also, if im reptile and i send a slow force ball from fullscreen away, the AI will block the entire time its on screen until it reaches them lol. fucking retarded