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The 5-5 Show - Episode 3 - Post Final Round and Smoke with GGA Wafflez!


Galloping Ghost Arcade
Can you guys link the youtube video? For some reason the mp3 wont DL on my phone.

Sent from my phone, using the keypad.


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NetherRealm Studios
le intro song just makes me wanna scream FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK in my metal growl voice


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Dash in, smoke towards does not blow up all wake-ups in the game cut and dry...

It is good tech, but a lot of the time when you cross up your opponents inputs while doing this (performing the wakeup) a normal will come out and stuff the smoke toward move. It seems like it works against a lot more moves in training mode since when you set the CPU to wakeup, the move will always come out because the AI won't have it's inputs crossed. There are several wakeup moves that it doesn't work against at all, but it will beat out a majority of them for sure.

Just wanted to clear this up for anyone listening trying to learn new tech.

Other good options after a JK + Air Throw are either 1 full dash which spaces you perfectly for B2 to connect, and 1 dash + 1/2 dash which spaces you perfect to start d4 pressure.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Thank you for clarifying Ribz, no joke.

Tommy your fired... Lol
LaR was the one who originally posted this and for about half a day the entire Smoke community was so hype over it. After some testing it was found to be not quuuuuuuuite as good as billed, but it is still a viable option for sure. If this worked against all wakeups Smoke would far and away have the best oki setups in the game.

Technically if you read the Smoke player is going to do this you can actually full combo it if you just throw out your bnb on a read most of the time.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
LOL ImNewbieSauce saying Smoke players would have you believe he is bottom five. Obviously you have not been in the Smoke forum where a majority of us including myself have said he is anywhere from 7-9 countless times.

I know you are trolling, but it just made me laugh.


The Free Meter Police
LOL ImNewbieSauce saying Smoke players would have you believe he is bottom five. Obviously you have not been in the Smoke forum where a majority of us including myself have said he is anywhere from 7-9 countless times.

I know you are trolling, but it just made me laugh.
Haha I keep seeing your responses to that and nobody listens to you. I didn't think about it during the show otherwise I'd have said something. But for entertainment value it's still funny. =p


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Haha I keep seeing your responses to that and nobody listens to you. I didn't think about it during the show otherwise I'd have said something. But for entertainment value it's still funny. =p
Yeah, the funny part after listening to the podcast is that all of you agree with the Smoke community about where he is on the tier list, some even putting him lower...yet still throw out the down-players non-sense. Damn you HD Smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think HD Smoke might be 16 Bit's alt account where he can login, downplay...then re-login as 16 Bit and blow it up ;) .

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
LOL ImNewbieSauce saying Smoke players would have you believe he is bottom five. Obviously you have not been in the Smoke forum where a majority of us including myself have said he is anywhere from 7-9 countless times.

I know you are trolling, but it just made me laugh.
Yea im trolling. I know smoke players have him in that range. But someone has to break up the tech. If i made you laugh #MissionSuccesful.

Also thanks for listening and actively talking about the show. This is what we want!