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That Sword


Infinite Meter Kombos
The sword that Sub-Zero picks up in mkx trailer. I'm thinking that weapon pickups will be lying around the arena and depending upon which character picks them up, changes a modifier to the sword.

Example: Dungeons & Dragons as different coloured dragons that have different breaths.... Fire, ice, acid. MK is the same.

What if sub-zero turns it into an ice sword, scorpion a fire sword, reptile an acid sword, skarlett/nitara a blood sword and the weapon becomes a modifier to the kombo etc.

This makes sense as it feels like natural progression from the modifiers from test your luck so that the fight maintains it's dynamic feel.


im hoping if they have things like these weapons they are some sort of interactable , anything else would seem too gimicky.

im hoping they dont add too many new things to this game.


Plus on block.

I think people are thinking that the events in the trailer are inspired by things in the game.

Like the MK9 CG trailer did.

In that trailer you can see:
1. Levels that would be in the game.
2. Special moves that would be in the game(an alteration being Jax's fist rocket was changed to the purple sonic boom).
3. The tag feature.
4. X-Rays, which were also in this new trailer.
5. Fatalities that would be in the game(Scorpions was given to Kano).

This new trailer was made in the same style, and the things shown in it were emphasized in the same way the features in the MK9 CG trailer were, and those features where put in the game in some way.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Cinematics like this are often used as an internal "proof of concept" for gameplay design. I wager that certain high-level concepts like using the background for mobility and picking up weapons are actual gameplay mechanics that have been explored (and will likely be in the finished product in some way), but the individual movements/animations will likely be very different.


King of the Bill
Why does everyone think sub-zero pulls a sword out of the ground? He pulls it off himself first and then it gets knocked out of his hands, only to be later picked up again off the ground. Both characters have weapons, the weapons aren't just lying around


Plus on block.
I like the idea stage mobility, hopefully done better than in Injustice, where there were few places that provided it.

I'd like wide stages with a bit of a panned out perspective like in the trailer, to go along with the bonus inter-actable mobility. Would make the battles seem a lot bigger in scale.