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That magic touch


so i recently started getting into Mortal Kombat on a competitive level and i ordered my first fight stick. How do you more experienced players hold it? specifically how do you position your hands on the buttons?

P.s i play on Xbl and would be down for some casual sets. Just hit me up with a message on here.
You didn't necessarily have to buy a fight stick to play competitively, it would be better for you to try all types of formats, such as Dualshock, SF layout, and MK layout, whatever clicks best for you is what you should use.

I personally use a SF layout stick because it feels comfortable to me, and I can use it with other games such as Skullgirls and such.

It totally is up to you though.

About the handling of an MK stick, I have no idea.


For the stick itself, everyone is different. Try a few things and find what works best for you.

For the MK layout buttons, put your hand so that your middle finger is over the block button, and the other two fingers lie over the other buttons vertically. So the top left has your index finger tip on it, and you use the lower part of that finger for the lower left button. Same goes for your ring finger. Then you hit the run button with your thumb.

Tim Static

From sticks to pads to hitboxes, from layouts to type of buttons, how you use the stick or how you position your fingers, is 150% preference. Just got to find what works best for you and go from there. :)
Reactions: nwo


Xbl: Johnny2Die
now i just need to get some more games in.

None of the discussed options will feel right until you put some time and practice into them. When I switched from an xbox 360 controller to madcatz te back when those came out, i felt like it took 6 months of training off my game, then i got better and could never go back to controller. Then this summer I switched to hitbox and felt like i was learning mk for the first time again, then i got used to the hitbox and can't imagine using anything else. Just put the work into whatever you decide to use and it will become second nature.


"I'm the 12th best Sub-Zero player in the world."
I've just always set mine up just like the old arcades I was born & bred on.