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Thank You 4 the Help


Designer for BxA
I'm going to be "off the grid" on vacation for the next week so I wanted to get this out while I still could. I decided early on when MKX was getting released that I was going to finally get into the competitive scene. I honestly didn't know what to expect from the community. I wasn't sure if everybody that was on a high lvl would just berate me online for being terrible or not but as I have come to find out, everybody has welcomed me with open arms. I've received great advice and been able to level up quite a bit and found a great online family.

All of this support gave me the confidence to enter an offline tournament recently and I came in 25th out of 40 entrants and I got to meet some great people in my local scene as well. I had only ever met them online but we were all able to talk to each other in person like we had known one another for awhile. So, before this drags on any longer than it has to I just wanted to tell a few people on TYM I know of for sure and some others, Thank you.

Beyond MK and the FGC I have had support from some of these people in a stressful point in my life and it has helped me get stronger personally and within MK. I hope to start getting my name out there and travelling to some majors in the near future. Thanks for the games!

Ok, that's enough of the feels, time to go lift some weights or save orphans from a burning building.

RM Bearclxw BossBattleTim @gr8one06
AmazingXMan AdamRoninXXIV PK_Aurora
@STB Hellbringer Fatality_89
@STB Sgt Reed @ChaseStad
@STB Shujinkydink @Immortal Kombat
@Kompetitor The entire Bonehawk Brotherhood
@LinKueiLegend @Shawnzzy


1 2 3 drink
Glad that you enjoyed the tourney man! If u keep leveling up at this speed, your gonna be a beast soon. But dont let pressure of becoming good ruin the fun. Just enjoy yourself and keep doing what your doing :)


Designer for BxA
Glad that you enjoyed the tourney man! If u keep leveling up at this speed, your gonna be a beast soon. But dont let pressure of becoming good ruin the fun. Just enjoy yourself and keep doing what your doing :)
Weirdest thing about it was I felt more nerves doing the friendly online Dink tourneys than i had at my very first offline tourney. I had no shakes at all


The true Grandmaster
Enjoy your vacation! Have a safe and great trip. When you get back we will get right back into training so you can get first at your next local! Keep up the great work you beasty Quan you!