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Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
the hell is going on? o-0 its been like this since yesterday....is my file corrupt or something or is that just the network.


The Prettiest
I don't know but it was definitely intentional. I like it. I don't have to see people spamming the chat with stupid things every time I join one.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
I don't know but it was definitely intentional. I like it. I don't have to see people spamming the chat with stupid things every time I join one.
but i can't tell people gg's without sending them a pm :(.

did someone hack it and do this or did NRS do this?


Blue Blurs for Life!
This may be NRS's doing, but I am not sure. I doubt it was hacked. This isn't like the days with rayrod during the MKDC era (don't ask about him, it's a long story).


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
In a nutshell, yes. But NRS has drastically stepped up security for their servers ever since the one for MKDC got compromised - or at least I assume so because we never heard from that lunatic again.
lunatic? o-0 anywhere i could find out about him? or will u tell me about him at another time


Blue Blurs for Life!
lunatic? o-0 anywhere i could find out about him? or will u tell me about him at another time
Eeeeeeeeh, I'd rather not get into it. You'd go crazy trying to comprehend any of this subject, and that is not an insult to you at all. We were all driven nuts by his silliness, LOL.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Eeeeeeeeh, I'd rather not get into it. You'd go crazy trying to comprehend any of this subject, and that is not an insult to you at all. We were all driven nuts by his silliness, LOL.
but crazy people interest meee!!! D:


Blue Blurs for Life!
what do u mean, did he say really weird stuff? or did his reasons for doing things just have no logic? if u won't tell me where can find out?
*sighs* Look, I'll tell you over PM after I wake up, okay? Although it really isn't that important to know, LOL.


I guess I'm the only person who thinks the chats being off improved online matches in general. Lag is a lot less noticeable lately.

Also EMP Villain You has best sig.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i wonder when blakes gonna pm me that story >.>, anytime i hear about any kind of dumb drama its like im compelled to know what happened o-o