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Texas Showdown - Great Bathroom, Great Experience: The Shoutouts


This guy looks kind of tuff...
So Texas showdown just wrapped up. Congratulations to Showtime for taking 1st over me! And to everyone who made it out. Unfortunately it could not be streamed. Which sucks. Had a nice stage though.

Thanks to everyone who supported and those who came down like mr. Mileena elektic pboardplayer Starcharger etc.
It was over all a fun tournament. Glad Texas took this :)

1. Showtime (cage)
2. Cat (Kabal)
3. Pboardplayer (ermac, raiden, Lao)
4. Mr. Mileena (kitana, Sindel)
5. Starcharger ( Kitana)
6. Devil Jim (mileena)
7. Emperor Scar (Freddy. Skarlett)
8. Gol Eklectic (Secktor)

Some offline matches will be uploaded soon. Like mr. Mileena vs pboardplayer. Cat vs pboardplayer Starcharger vs mr. Mileena. Emperor scar vs mr. Mileena.


Just a slightly above average player.....
Pretty shameful that a tournament would be ran like that. Seriously I already can hear lord jerith from vvv blowing this up.


triforce and PL will have a hay day w this
Not surprised about the whole ordeal. It was run by planet zero, a shady arcade business to begin with.

This post is to 100% clear houstons name from this disaster and move forward to bigger and better things happening in the future!

For starters Planet-Zero should have never been un-banned in the 1st place seeing how shady they still are from not paying jan the money they owe him a few months ago to trying to ban people for no reason. Ill expose some things they have been doing as of late and if you want to know more truth about them go to www.tinyurl.com/pzscam for the info. Now, They hold there weeklys and charge 10$ that automatically enters you into all games which is why there numbers of entrants are always inflated to make it seem like there doing good when there not. A random person can walk in and pay 10$ and is automatically entered in the tournament whether he wants to play or not just so it looks good on the results that they post in there threads? There are alot of venues and tios out here in houston that put on tournaments and never have any of these issues so do not blame the city of houston for this disaster blame Planet-Zero. As everyone should know nobody supports that place anymore but there own players which is very few thats why alot of our best players didnt attend showdown. Everyone in houston has moved onto dave and busters and monsters arcade or hosting stuff at peoples houses.

As far as Texas Showdown is concerned it is being ran by Planet-Zero so why wouldnt people expect it not to run well. I felt it was shady how they tried to pull a fast one on everyone already advancing there players to semi-finals making it to were no matter what happens, pz players will come out in top 32. To top things off you try to charge for a stream that is FREE at tournaments like Final Round, Seasons Beatings, CEO, and the list go on. Wow, When I did Cali Vs Texas and Reset/Neo came from cali I never once put toan or rudy in semi finals so why would anyone even try to attemp this? Now to the payouts.

Im also hearing the payouts for some of the games were incorrect. Please post entrants and payouts so all players know what there were "suppose" to be getting paid. The reason why i say this is because they didnt payout all the money out at last years showdown to some players and everyone was being nice about it and didnt want to say anything but I WILL!

I thank adnan for pointing out the pz seeding because had he didnt it would have been even more hell than whats happening now. Houston has already been BOYCOTTING anything that is Planet-Zero related and will continue to do so from here on out because all they do is hurt our scene and its reputation. I would like everyone to continue to put the blame on Planet-Zero and not houston or texas and hope that they get banished from posting any events/tournaments on all forums!
to summarize a small part of PZ


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Not surprised about the whole ordeal. It was run by planet zero, a shady arcade business to begin with.

to summarize a small part of PZ
You know nothing about this entire pz ordeal. 2 sides 2 a story. I'm sure that was abk posting that. Don't believe everything you read.

Miss Kanzuki

Is there a link or something with archived vids of the event. We were hosting a practice war that night and I missed it :(
Thanks to anyone in advance!