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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Hey trough all the MU experience you got until today, and your opponents tendencies on matchups , how fast you can react to anything your opponent does when fighting you, where do you stand on this qualification?

60f = 1 second (slow)
30f = half (average)
25f = close to half (fast)
20f = too fast
16 = damn fast
below 16f = Blink of an Eye


Joker waiting room
jump is only 1 frame to leave the ground, according to Somberness post.
3 and a crossover is 31 frames,fully antiairable but i can't react and do it as they cross me over and i don't trust online to attempt a 22 from the other side

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
3 and a crossover is 31 frames,fully antiairable but i can't react and do it as they cross me over and i don't trust online to attempt a 22 from the other side
hahaha, thats gotta suck, jumps are already too powerful in this game anyway, so risk D1 its not always an option, i only do when their cross jump is wrongly used and they end up landing a bit far of the character, which makes a perfect spot for a D1


Joker waiting room
hahaha, thats gotta suck, jumps are already too powerful in this game anyway, so risk D1 its not always an option, i only do when their cross jump is wrongly used and they end up landing a bit far of the character, which makes a perfect spot for a D1
jc+shang are chars i use,unless the connection is truly shit i can get the d1 99% of the time and thats online.

i need to lvl up to my greek buddies,i still can't dash out or normally AA crossups

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
jc+shang are chars i use,unless the connection is truly shit i can get the d1 99% of the time and thats online.

i need to lvl up to my greek buddies,i still can't dash out or normally AA crossups
They have good D1 hitboxes

And i understand that too, Dash Nerf has maded it way harder to pull it now, unless you play JC (best male dash in the game) i think you should be able to dash away of crossups


Joker waiting room
They have good D1 hitboxes

And i understand that too, Dash Nerf has maded it way harder to pull it now, unless you play JC (best male dash in the game) i think you should be able to dash away of crossups
thats cyber sub,followed by sektor

subs d1 is pretty pathetic but it works sometimes,im gonna have to experiment with it and start practicing 22 to learn its timing

doesnt help that online is shit,fought an online scorpion and lost 30-6 (lol) and couldnt punish

whiffed NJP
ex tele
takedown to jump

was flat out horrible,offline id eat this dude for breakfast

seriously annoyed at how online scrubs can win by going on autopilot yet when I learn and play at a high lvl i get screwed over


kung lao swag walker
I think my reactions are around 20f. I can react to damn near anything, but that depends on lag, and if I'm not wearing my glasses. for some odd reason I react sooner without them. Or if I wear my shades I can react aster too. Then again I do have two different lenses in each lens hole.


kung lao swag walker
i find t easy to increase reaction time simply by drilling combos, set-ups, moves, normals,and dash blocks like exercise routines.
ex. since i main scoorpion i will practice, voids, vortex, midscreen punish combos, corner punish combos, dash blcoks, jump teleports to at the quickest possible moment to in order to punish fireballs, dash blocks, pressure strings, dash back spear, dash back b2, f4 spear, gimmicks, dash jumps, dash d3/4 and ect. that way you get used to doing things and it becomes muscle memory. Since im an online warrior I mostly just play online, and usually don't find it too hard to punish or get past anything.


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NetherRealm Studios
all of the above, some days I'm in the groove, sometimes I just blow