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Test Your Might News Show #1 Now Available

Join Jolt, a new member of the TYM news team for the first episode of the TYM news show! The Test Your Might News Show is a new piece of content for the community. This is a video roundup of news for the Test Your Might community. This will often feature a quick summary of some of the recent events that we have covered on the website. The first episode is now available, it summarizes news from the last week pre-MK11 launch.

Hey guys,

I hope you enjoy the first TYM News Show. The idea here is to provide everyone with a nice brief reflection over the week. We want to (for the time being) keep it bite sized (under 5 minutes) while keeping you posted on some of the things that have happened in the community.

Currently there is no schedule, but I want to keep this "regular".

Please leave feedback and let us know what YOU want to see because ultimately this is for the community to have something fun and hopefully interactive. With MK11 launching, I expect the next episode will be a little bit longer but we will see.

The series is a work in progress but I hope to make everyone proud!

Let us know your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions and we will make the TYM show an awesome experience for all of you.
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If it's not clear, suggestions for anything video related, not necessarily news formats are welcome. Jolt's handling our video work, so anything y'all want to see is fair game