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Test You Might people, look at this....Interesting!!!!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Agreed on all accounts about the damn Ninja Turtles ice cream! I loved those things! As well as the Sonic and Mario ones!


Agreed on all accounts about the damn Ninja Turtles ice cream! I loved those things! As well as the Sonic and Mario ones!
man those ninja turtle icec reams were the highlight of my day back in new jersy.. Every day after school I had one. then I went home to ply Mk3, godleneye and mario cart 64.. man I miss the 90's =[


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I used to go over my grandmother's house during the summers and would ALWAYS want them. Shit was awesome.

Why can't the 2000's be awesome like before?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I still remember, since that's when MK came out early 90's my mom yelling at me at the time "that game isn't nice, it's not coming in this house blah, blah lol" so I snuck over my friend's place every day after school to play MK2 especially on SNES. I had every Nintendo console but only MK 1 and had to hide it lol, Mk2 was I like OMG this shit's awesome!


I remember my friends and I had got the guides(at the time made by Brady guides) and we had hard times doing the fatalities lol. Epic indeed! I miss the arcades too.