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Terminology Help

I heard about this forum while watching some of the team spooky stuff on YouTube. Now, I'm completely new to the whole fighting game genre. So while watching a bit of the mortal kombat stuff, I got confused with the terminology. Some of the terms like "punishing", "staggering", "corner", etc. And I was wondering if anyone could cover the basic terminology for me?



Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
I can help a bit, but I'll have to let someone else fill in the blanks.

Corner: The edge of the screen. If you push someone into the corner, or do a corner combo on them, they are trapped on the edge of the screen and cannot back up any further.
Punishing: Making someone eat a combo after they do something stupid. For example, if a Scorpion player keeps teleporting on you, block and punish with a big combo.
Staggering: ...
Buffering: ...
Fuzzy Block: To the best of my understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong), it's when you block low, then high, but your animation doesn't change and it appears onscreen that you are still blocking low.
Dash Cancel: When inputting a special, like Stryker's Gun, hold down the final button. If you release, the gun fires. If you dash while holding, the special doesn't happen.

I'm sure there are others as well, but it's late, and I'm tired. =P


I reccommend going here if you havn't already: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?5437-MK9-Basics-Notation-Guide

Staggering: Not 100% sure about this but I guess it just basically refers to any attacks that put you into a stagger state where your forced to block the follow up. An example is KL's low hat on hit. When your hit with that you have no choice but to block and KL can come in for more pressure. Other moves causing stagger may give safe jumps (a free jump in attempt) like Mileena's telekick on hit etc.

Buffering: Just buffering the input for a move before it comes out. Nearly all combos in this game require buffering of specials from normals, its not likely many other fighting games where you can just hit confirm it. So say your playing scorpion and you do 11 spear, you have to input the spear as soon as you finish the 11 you can't input 11 then when it hits do spear. This doesn't mean you can't hit confirm things though, on some strings if you see whether the first hit lands or not you have enough time to finish of the string a different way or do another special.