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Tell the Developers We Need a Playback Practice Mode


I like this game but if it has one HUGE flaw in it's stand to be competitive, it is the fact this game simply does not allow itself to be reaped for the info needed to play it well. The practice mode is fine for combo practice but it completely useless for learning defensive outs and how to yomi. A constant issue I see is people losing to character ignorance and getting lamed out because they have no clue how to avoid a scenario because there's simply no way to practice it and often it can be very confusing to learn who actually has frame advantage. Basically if you don't have a dedicated friend to go over things repeatedly to help you, you're at a completely unfair advantage to learn the game.

I got a chance to express my concerns to the NRS satff at EVO, but I feel the community needs to really express how needed this is. I feel a lot of broken things will start to adjust themselves once we have this so that we can seek ways to counter or escape set ups and possibly get the very needed recovery frame data info. I even had to tell them that us learning the impact info is worthless if we don't know the recovery and this is the only way to really test for that properly since th guide was useless (which i told them as well).

So please, Twitter, emails, whatever...get the word out that this game needs this info to grow because right now I feel the people doing best are people that have the info, and potentially better players are victimized by the fact there's simply no reliable way to study the game in isolated scenarios that can be repeated if you can't figure them out.


Emperor of the Moon
Not sure if you were there(or if it was you that asked) at the time but Hector Sanchez said at Evo that the practice mode cannot be patched. We are stuck with this one until MK 10.