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Team Sp00ky Announcement on NE Qualifier & Special Request


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With all that happened today there should be a few less words and a few more sighs of relief and smiles concerning an Evolution Northeast qualifier. Winter Brawl 7 is right around the corner and promises to deliver as Sp00ky will be streaming this event doing what he does best.

Additionally in this video, Vic has a special request from all of us in the community... hear him out and do what he requests for not only Sp00ky or the community, but for yourself as well!


CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I'll be prereging for UFGT9 and EVO. :) I'm waiting for UFGT9 to open, so I can decide which one I wanna pay for first. I don't get paid until the 15th, so I'm in wait mode. I know I'm spending 60 on EVO, but not sure on how much I'm spending for UFGT9.


Blue Blurs for Life!
The pleas of our community have been heard.

Props to the number of Road to Evo events going up from four to five!