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Talk to me about your meter


I do hope this is in the right place. I don't think there are any "wrong" answers, so I'm hoping to get some cool ideas.

Question, is the first hit "meter-worthy?" Meaning, is it ever a good idea to enhance your first hit in hopes of gaining more? And making sure your opponent doesn't get any deliciouse meter. Or is it too much of a gamble to risk losing it?

Secound question, not everyone has good wake up attack options. Jade can always glow safely, but many characters will be blocked and punished. But wake up attacks build meter... So, is it worth it to take some abuse for that tasty, tasty meter? And if not, what are you doing down there?


Dojo Trainee
I do hope this is in the right place. I don't think there are any "wrong" answers, so I'm hoping to get some cool ideas.

Question, is the first hit "meter-worthy?" Meaning, is it ever a good idea to enhance your first hit in hopes of gaining more? And making sure your opponent doesn't get any deliciouse meter. Or is it too much of a gamble to risk losing it?

Secound question, not everyone has good wake up attack options. Jade can always glow safely, but many characters will be blocked and punished. But wake up attacks build meter... So, is it worth it to take some abuse for that tasty, tasty meter? And if not, what are you doing down there?
Using an EX attack to get the first hit is fine. It shouldn't be done unless it's absolutely necessary, but if nothing else, it at least ensures that your opponent won't get it first.

Really, anything you do to get the first hit is fine, so long as it's an intelligent choice on your part. Starting the first round the same way is never a good idea, but if you see an opening, there's no reason not to take it.


I don't think I'd spend meter to get meter. You end up back at one again, same as your opponent. I'd rather go for a d1 poke or NJP to try and get first hit. Then I'm a full bar ahead and I've got enough for a breaker right off the bat. Wakeups are like opening moves. I wake up to mix things up and hopefully get the advantage back. That it builds meter is a nice bonus.


Blue Blurs for Life!
To the first question - if you can take the first hit, obviously go for it. Just don't obsess over it. If you play it too cautiously in an effort to nab the bonus meter from the first hit, you may get taken by surprise if your opponent is not bound by the same mentality as yours. In my opinion, I say just play the round normally and don't worry about the first hit. Meter builds and gets used pretty fast in this kind of game.

Nothing wrong with using an enhanced move for the first hit bonus, either, but use this option sparingly. If your attack fails, you'll have wasted your meter when you may need it in the future.

Second question...that all depends on which character you are using as well as how much health you have. You do not want to go and piss away a good amount of health in a fight. I would say to take advantage of the extra meter only if you are hit when you don't expect it or can't prevent it. Make the most out of both your health and meter in a fight. Besides, there are other ways to build meter, never hurts to fall back on those.


Dojo Trainee
I don't think I'd spend meter to get meter. You end up back at one again, same as your opponent. I'd rather go for a d1 poke or NJP to try and get first hit. Then I'm a full bar ahead and I've got enough for a breaker right off the bat. Wakeups are like opening moves. I wake up to mix things up and hopefully get the advantage back. That it builds meter is a nice bonus.
Except, y'know, you can't always D1 or poke to get the first hit, and the difference is that your opponent has actually taken damage. I'd say that's worth being on an even footing with him in terms of meter if you see an opening, especially considering a lot of EX attacks do upwards of 15% damage (and some just grant full combo punishes).