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Tales of Blood Ch.001 - Bloody (1st Draft)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Warning: This tale contains explicit content of Blood and Gore, if you feel disgusted by head rips, people chopped in half, blood splash, gutted strips, throat slits, and similar violence content, i suggest you to abandon this thread because it will get Bloody over the way.

To TYM: I always wanted to write this since the moment i learned of Skarlet Origins, so this is just a draft of something i was planning to do in regular comics in near future when my art skill gets better, maybe i will do it, as it for now, i can only give you this detailed text and you can sort of imagine in your head how Skarlet was born and imagine what is happening as you read, and what she did before the MK9 events when she is seen many times as a cameo Character in story mode.

Note: i'm not a native american or british, so my english grammar or order of text might be screwed up a lot or a bit however, i hope you guys enjoy ^^

This is the Chapter 1, its called "Bloody"

From Countless wars and blood shed on the battlefield. Shao Kahn with the help of Shang Tsung collected the blood fused with sorcery to create his most powerful enforcer yet! This is the journey of the expert tracker, this are tales of Blood.

A Bloodpool is Introduced, Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn are present, using black magic to fuse mystic energy with the blood in the pool.
The blood flows outside of the pool and shapes in the form of a female kneeling before Kahn, after a few seconds, the blood shape materializes itself into a naked female, breathing slowly.
She opens her silver eyes and stay quiet, her face can’t be seen, only her back, and her red hair with a black stripe, dripping pints of blood from her air, she was ready.

Shao Kahn starts laughing out loud, with satisfaction on achieving his goal, and then he speaks.
- From this point on, you will be named Skarlet, you answer only to me, you talk only to me, you work only for me, and you will be my precious and most trusty warrior yet. –

Skarlet bows her head in agreement and appreciation as the images zooms out while Shao Kahn takes 180º turn and leave the room.

A Few hours later…

In the Throne Room, is Kitana, Jade, Baraka, Reptile, Rain, and Goro, everyone is chatting around awaiting the arrival of the Emperor. Shao Kahn reveals himself with Shang Tsung as everyone shuts up, sits on the throne and make a pose like a boss.
- Today, I present you my new daughter, she has just recently born, and I’m eager to see what she is capable of, SKARLET! – So shouts the emperor.
And in the center, drips of blood started to surface from the ground and instantly it started to increase in speed shaping the body of a female until completes the shape and materializes into a female with two Fumma Kodachis on her back, mouth covered with a ninja mask, low pony tail, red loin cloth hiding her black thong, red top and a red boots, shoulder pads and arm pads equipped, the definition of black and Red.

She was steady didn’t move an inch, a few tarkatans were surprised, she came out of the nowhere and yet, she was standing there like a robot.
- So this is Skarlet? She looks a bit Skinny father! – Says Kitana.
- Don’t underestimate her, lets see what she is made off first. – Answers Kahn.
Shang Tsung stepped forward to the Shao Kahn’s generals and as he opened his Arms, said.
- A volunteer, worthy of a challenge to our new contestant. Please! –
- I Don’t know who this bitch is, but my men will chop her into little pieces! If she doesn’t proves worthy, I shall cut her throat myself! – Says Baraka, confident of his man power, 5 Tarkatans entered the Arena at the same time surrounding Skarlet and ready for the signal.
- This will be interesting! – Said Jade to Kitana, curious to see what this new fighter was capable off.
- BEGIN!! – Shouts Kahn.

The Tarkatans made the first move, by having one of them charging up with the blade at great speed aiming to take Skarlet’s head in a single slice, when he got near enough, the Kunoichi performs a roundhouse ducking and avoiding the blade while hitting him on the mouth at the same time, making his teeth coming out, sending him flying off the arena a few steps away.

The same then, spark up the blade and shoot at Skarlet, the kunoichi bend the head to the side and avoid the projectile, and take one of the swords, stabs the tarkatan approaching from behind on his head making the blade pierce through one ear to another without looking at him, that shocking image of her standing with a blade through a dead guy cold and chaotic pleased the emperor, she was ruthless, cold blooded, and fast. Skarlet pulls out the blade and the blood starts to flow out of the tarkatan body.

Skarlet turns around and blocks with her sword a heavy overhead slice from the tarkatan in the offense before, parrying his blade away, she slit his throat and makes the blood flow out again, but before he dies, he stabs Skarlet from the back. One of them take advantage of this vulnerable situation and runs over to cut her again.
But at the moment of the impact, she turned her entire body into blood making the blade going through her and vanishes.
- WHERE DID SHE GO?! – Asked the surprised tarkatan.
An image is presented from the Sky, Skarlet is flying with both swords on each hand screaming Angry (NYAAAH!!) and stabs him in the shoulder blades as she holds herself on his back, making him feel an excruciating pain, and then chop his head off using her swords like scissors.
Her wound was visible so she join her legs and make a Ninja Pose and the blood from the dead corpses started to flush out into her direction close to her feet and going up on her body penetrating through her skin, her wounds started to close very fast.
- WTF is this! – Said Baraka surprised, some people in the room was freaking out.
- She Can heal herself with others people blood! – Said Kitana, the princess that until now was only quiet and watching.
- And she can teleport. – Says Jade.
The 3 tarkatans left formed a horizontal line and charged up to take on the Blood Thirsty warrior, she teleports herself into their back, chops the tendon of one of them and teleports back in front, throws 3 daggers covered in blood and pierce through the body of the same tarkatan making holes into him, red dash up to the next one and downslashes him in half splitting him body in two without giving him opportunity to attack, lots of blood starts to come out, as it bath Skarlet with it, it starts to go through her skin again.

The Last one starts to run from the arena, since he definitely couldn’t fight that, Skarlet Stabs herself and turns into a puddle of blood, as he runs the puddle grows under him, and spikes are born from it grabbing him in the limbs and rise him up, he was immobile, and started screaming in fear as Skarlet slowly was shaping up out of the puddle under him.
Skarlet uses one of her blades and gut him out making all the blood drip into her body, she absorbed all and then sheathes the blades again, walk away from the puddle and the blood pillars turns into blood again Skarlet then faces Shao Kahn after the job done.
- FLAWLESS!! – Says a very pleased Shao Kahn, however Baraka is angry

Ch.001 Ends