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Swamp Vs thread *my lab work*


When Playing this matchup based on what Ive gathered it must be patient. use what little tools that are at your disposal. When dealing with omega beam pressure bayou bash can get you through it,
and also beats EX omega beams in most cases, using Meterburn bayou bash when close can get you some combos if they like to use the omega beams, however Darkseids trait makes getting through
Omega Beams hard so play defensivly while his trait is active. When mixed with MeterBurn omega beams(air) meterburn dash Dash will get you in safe in most cases. In the info below there
is detailed punishment options for all the normal trickery that is darkseid at a distance and on his wakeup knee and palm blast that haunts the online world.
Following these tips should help against this matchup.

Dealing with Normal Strings

2, 2 (this is cancelable for Darkseid so be careful)

- a reversal greenthumb will beat this if the block or backdash, This will get stuffed from a jump attack be careful.

2, 2, 3

- Backdash on the 3 or block, this string is pretty safe for him

b1, 2

- safe no punishment options

1, 2, 3 (this is not cancelable for Darkseid)

- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-green thumb

1, 2, 1+3

- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 2, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn b3), trait, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn f3), f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-green thumb

2, 2, 1+3 (You can duck it and punish with every combo)

If Ducked
- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 2, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn b3), trait, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn f3), f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-green thumb

If Blocked

- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 2, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn b3), trait, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn f3), f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-green thumb

f2, 3 (pretty safe for darkseid, and is cancelable)

- greenthumb (if they block or backdash, jumps will stuff you out)

2, 1 (pretty safe, and this attack is cancelable)

- greenthumb (if they block or backdash, jumps will stuff you out)
- backdash on (1), cant punish but you can create distance

1, 1 (pretty safe, and this attack is cancelable)

- greenthumb (if they block or backdash, jumps will stuff you out)

1, 1, 2

- block this 100%, swamp cannot punish

b1, up3

-d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- greenthumb

Punishing special moves

For air teleports into 3 or 3, stomp.

- after the teleport animation a well time up vinegrab will counter this
- Refoliation, d1, vinegrab (close or up depending on when d1 hits him)
- b2, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- jump back 2, f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close) (after he starts to apear on oppisite side of tele jump and hit him as he lands) "most damage here"
- Meter burn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)

Avoiding Meterburn and normal Omega Beams (ground)

- bayou bash goes under the omega beams, its safe as long as darkseid doesnt have trait active.
- (potentially after patch, a well timed vine grab will absorb the omega beams while trait is active)
- a Meterburn bayou bash when close to go under the omegabeams can open this combo ( Meterburn bayou bash, f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab close )

Punishing Meterburn and normal Omega Beams up close

Normal Omega Beams

- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 2, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn b3), trait, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn f3), f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-green thumb

Meterburn Omega beams
- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)

Punishing Low Omega Beams up close

- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 2, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn b3), trait, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn f3), f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-green thumb

Punishing Air DoomStomp

- d1, logkick
-1, 1, Bayoubash
-1, 1, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-d2, b2, 3, f2, 3, greenthumb
-d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 2, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn b3), trait, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-b2, 3, 2, (meterburn f3), f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-f2, 3, meterburn bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
-green thumb

Meter burn Omega Beams (jumping)

Meterburn Dash will get you in safe in most cases.

Punishing knee on block
- green thumb
- 1, 1, Meterburn bayou bash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- d1, Meterburn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- d1, Meterburn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(air if there in corner)

Punishing Palm Strike on crouch
- Crouch and punish with any combo listed
- f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)
- f2,3,3,d2,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(air) "Corner only"

Punishing Palm Strike on block

- green thumb
- 1, 1, Meterburn bayou bash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- d1, Meterburn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- d1, Meterburn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(air if there in corner)

All these wakeup situations should work against Palm strike as well, worst case scenario, you can crouch punish or block punish the palm strike.

wake up Knee Mid screen

forward J3 (knockdown)
- stand and wait for the wakeup if they do the knee if they do use up vinegrab, if its wakeup beams block.
- wait for a knee, if he does it f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)

- walk back and wait for a wakeup if they knee wait for it to get close and as there landing and use f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close) (block if they use anything else)

Sweep (mid)
- take a small step back and wait for a wakeup if they knee wait for it to get close and as there landing and use f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close) (block if they use anything else)

Sweep (farthest)
- take a small step forword then a small one back, if they use knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)

after Normal bayou bash
-jump forward 2, 1, 1, vinegrab(close) ( this gets beaten by omega beams )
-walk forward (if they knee, f2,3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close) (safest option)

after f2,3,log kick
- take a step back, if he uses knee use this as hes landing f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)

after f2, 1
- take a small step forword then a small one back, if they use knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)

After Greenthumb (2)
- take a small step forword, if they use knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)

After Greenthumb(3)
- walk forword, if they use knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)

Vinegrab ground and airgrab normal or EX
- walk forword, if they use knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,f2,3,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(close)

Wakeup Knee Corner

- take a step back, if he uses knee block and punish with the following below
- green thumb
- 1, 1, Meterburn bayou bash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- d1, Meterburn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(air)

Sweep (Mid)
- take a small step back and wait for a wakeup if they knee wait for it to get close and as there landing and use f2,3,3,d2,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(air) (block if they use anything else)

Sweep (farthest)
- take a small step forword then a small one back, if they use knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,d2,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(air)

after Normal bayou bash
- take a step back, if he uses knee block and punish with the following below
- green thumb
- 1, 1, Meterburn bayou bash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- d1, Meterburn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(air)

after f2,3,log kick
- take a step back, if he uses knee block and punish with the following below
- green thumb
- 1, 1, Meterburn bayou bash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- d1, Meterburn Refoliation, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(air)

After Greenthumb(3)
- take a step back, if they use knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,d2,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(air)

Vinegrab ground and airgrab normal or EX
- Stay Put, if they use flying knee wait for them to land and use f2,3,3,d2,qcb3,1,1,vinegrab(air)

When Facing a deadshot you must be patient and try to look for patterns, this guide is for Swamp thing but can help any chr in the long run. Always do a good job at reacting to his shots, with the information provided here its clear whats punishable and whats now, getting knockdowns and punishing
wakeups gets you so much damage at so little risk. at far away you best friend is to approach slow and try and not get hit. MB Dash is very helpful is used correctly forthis match up. Do your best to get in, dont get aggervatted or loose sight in that goal, use his spam to your advantage and punish the best you can. outside of that there isnt much to do but be patient and dont let him get away, since his strings are for the most part punishable, you can make up that damage.

Punishable Specials

Assassin knee

- 1, 1, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- b2, 3, 2, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- f2, 3, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)

MB Assassin Knee

- he is completley safe on block, but for certain strings if your far enough away the first hit can wiff, though he can
meterburn it, its reactable and punishable. here are a few examples of what you can punish with under these conditions.

- 1, 1, vinegrab( air or close )
- d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)

*upon assassin knee activation the following can punish at the right time.
(dont wait for a knee punish on reaction or instinct. all these require certain conditions, any normals just do a followup combo)
- vinegrab(air)
- d3
- 1, 1
- d2

I will only put what will work against both Normal or MB attacks. no need to leave chance as a factor unless they have no meter.

Bullet Barrage and MB bullet barrage.

- midscreen MB dash if done at the right time and the right distance will put you behind him for a potentiol punish.
- Duck and walk forward.
- While Trait is active, if timed correctly a vinegrab will get him and absorb the bullets.

Deadly Assault and MB Deadly assault

- if Deadshot uses this mid screen or semi midscreen, a j2 should beat this. react for the crouch.
- while trait is active, vine grab can get him and absorb the hit(s) ( even though deadshot is crouched you can still vinegrab him.)
- block, and walk forward

Trick Shot (low)

- a well timed jump will help long range
- block and walk forward

Wrist Cannon

- MB dash is good from full screen
- Jump from close range for a jumping punish combo
- can be ducked, so duck, step, duck, step etc.

Dealing with Normals

f1, 2

- 1, 1, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- d1, log kick
- b2, 3, 2, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)

b2, 3

-safe on block

b2, 3, 3

- d1 log kick

2, 1

- safe on block

f2, 3

- 1, 1, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
-d1, logkick

1, 2

- d1, logkick

1, 2, 3(hold)

- d1, log kick

b1, 2

- safe on block

b1, 2, u3

- safe on block if not canceled.

for this string there are variations of things that can be canceled, heres what to do.

If canceled into bullet barrage heres some punishes

- MB dash will put you behind Deadshot
- f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab close
- j2, f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab close
- vinegrab(close)

Trickshot normal

- j2, f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab close
- MB b3 or f3

Trickshot low

- j2, f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab close
- MB b3 or f3(not on meter burn)

trickshot high

- vine grab close
- MB b3 or f3(not on meter burn)

Deadly assault

- j2, f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab close
- vinegrab(close)
- MB b3 or f3 (not on meter burn)

Wrist cannon

- d3
- MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- MB b3 or f3 (not on meter burn)

assassin Knee

(holding back will put you out of range of the knee for a full punish)
- 1, 1, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- b2, 3, 2, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- f2, 3, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- f2, 3, 3, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab (close) * If Avoided*

MB assassin Knee

- Safe on block
- can be backdashed.
- walking back and causing the first casues the first hit of the knee to wiff, if you wait for the burn you can punish with these

- 1, 1, vinegrab( air or close )
- d2, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)


- f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, vinegrab(close)
- vinegrab ( if timed correctly will beat his crouch)

Jumping ( forward, nuetral or back)

- f2, 3, MB Bayoubash, f2, 3, qcb3, 1, 1, Vinegrab(close)
- If jumping back (MB dash will get you behind him)

F1, 2, d3

- d3

3, 3

- safe on block

Punishing Wake ups

On any setup mid screen or corner be patient. Best counter for knee thats consistant is d3 for midscreen. while hes in corner
just block, and punish if possible.