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(Supposedly) Polish Magazine Reveals Kabal as Living Tower Modification and Fujin as....(Spoilers)


According to a poster on MKOnline, in the Polish Magazine; CD-Action, it is confirmed that Kabal makes an appearance as a modification in the living towers mode, similar to Rain and Cyrax. It also mentions another modification giving the description that after the god of wind Fujin died, the elements went wild. The one who wrote the preview in the magazine also thought that Fujin may be the big bad. (Not sure how those two things work together though)

Here is a link to the original post: http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=154792&page=1

And here is a link to the description of the magazine on the CD-Action website: http://www.cdaction.pl/news-40825/zawartosc-cd-action-032015.html

Remember, there were no scans or anything similar posted, and we only have someone's word to go off of unless someone else wants to buy the magazine and translate it. It does seem pretty plausible that this is legit though.
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Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Well, the last time we heard of stuff published in a European magazine, it did turn out to be true...

And honestly? I wouldn't even be mad if Fujin was the big bad. At least that guarantees he would get a Godlike reboot. I cringe at the people that ask for Fujin remembering him as he was in MK4.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Well no duh Fujin dies.

Its like none of you have ever played MK4. He gets saved be liu and kung.
No liu and no kung = no saving.


Likes nerds with big ...
Woooooowwww! If Fujin is really dead then they aren't kidding with taking things in a different direction. Poor brave Fuji. :(

And hopefully Kabal doesn't return.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Well first of all, this Kabal looks like the Cyrax/Rain stuff in the towers. So it doesn't really mean anything.

About the Fujin thing, it feels like some sort of a special mission on the tower. "Fujin dies and all elements go wild." Doesn't sound important to me, just like another wacky mission in the tower.


Dark Fujin konfirmed?
Well atleast Ed Boon would be right that it would be a suprising returnee because nobody really expected Fujin.