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Superman family (sexy blondes and kneeling before Zod)

There are several Power Girl debates floating around so I thought this board could use a place to speak, not only about Power Girl, but about Superman and his "family" in general: Superman's role in the story, the role of Superman allies in the story and whether any should be playable, tole of Lex Luthor or Doomsday, does General Zod have a place in this, ect....

Re. Superman family allies:

Superman has a giant fan-base. I would guess it's DC's second largest fan base after Batman. With this story, all those fans have to sit back and watch
Superman lose his wife, unborn child, and city...with the added trauma that it was by his own hands.
Then Superman basically gets re-written in this story as a world dictator when he previously fought so many battles to stop others from doing the exact same thing (more than once in the case of Lex and Zod). I don't believe his nature would change like this but I accept all this b/c it's just a video game and they need to create a scenario that has hero fighting hero. Still, it's a kick in the groin to Superman fans. The essence of Superman is his good nature and his heart and this story takes that away. There aren't many "boy scout" heroes being written these days and Superman is the most beloved of all of them.

Where are all the allies from Kal's "family" in all this? I'm referring to Supergirl, Power Girl, Superboy. You would think someone would come out to console and stand by him after his great personal loss and the horrific way it came about. Also, isn't their reputation effected by their mentor's/family member's dictatorship over the Earth? It doesn't make any sense for these three allies to remain quiet....however they side, the point is that they would naturally come out and play very active roles.

The producers stated they picked characters that fit in the story. Batman has Nightwing and has a good chance at Robin (Damien). I love Batman and have no complaints about this. The characters make sense because of Batman's important role in the story. My point is that Superman's family also makes sense and it's kind of upsetting that they seem ignored on the playable characters list. We barely even have a recognizable version of Superman himself....he's nerfed to hell to balance the game and he's villanized to the point where what we really seem to have is General Zod in Superman's clothing.

I feel like Superman's fan base is getting crapped on and including a Superman ally as playable would go a long way towards giving them some recognition...I personally love Batman and cast just as much as Superman but many don't feel that way, there are many that love Superman but don't care about Batman and there are many the other way around.

Re. General Zod:

Does General Zod have a place in this game? Is it possible that he is an end boss type character? His name came up in the noob.com crossword. If the crossword were by itself the only factor going towards Zod being in the game I might dismiss it but it's not the only factor. Superman's dictatorship role in this game is very similar to General Zod's mentality and behavior. Additionally, Zod is the villain in the movie this summer...the inclusion of Bane and Catwoman suggest to me that Zod's presence in a 2013 Superman movie might be a huge factor.

Personally, I think it's very likely he's in this game but I do not really want that. I would very much like an additional hero from Superman's family in this game for the reasons stated above but we don't need another villain and his being brought back to Earth for this game would feel forced.
I agree it really wired that superman family would be quiet in such a time, only reason I could see was they some how got killed and pushed superman over the edge to became the dictator but other the that I can´t really come up with something.
Let me be the one to point out the fact that it is still very possible for the characters that u mentioned to show up in the story of the game, just not playable, or might become dlc, so i wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet until you have actually played the game, these characters actually might make an appearance.
Let me be the one to point out the fact that it is still very possible for the characters that u mentioned to show up in the story of the game, just not playable, or might become dlc, so i wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet until you have actually played the game, these characters actually might make an appearance.
Yes they might appear in the story but the latest hints on noob.com ('no supergirl' pic and "nopgirl" in the crossword) suggest they won't. Regardless, I would be disappointed if not one of them was playable. Even an alt skin for Superman, while not ideal, would still be acceptable. Wouldn't you think at least one of these characters would naturally be some of the most active and involved players in the tale?

As for DLC, many believe Power Girl is likely and I hope they are right. I'm raising the issues in my thread now, and don't think my thread is premature, because they have to be making early DLC decisions. MK9 DLC characters were pretty well decided b/f the launch of the game.