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Superman 78% Combo! (No resets, interactables, or stage transitions.)


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Very nice :)

I think it is known but not used that much because it's not likely you'll trait and get that to land.


Well-Known Member
Iv seen woel in a KOTH do a 80% think thats the highest one without resets ST's or interactables
On psn


Good stuff man!
J3, 3~trait, 3~bounce cancel B3, J3, 3~MB breath, J3, 3~scoop, 3~RGHV I think does 86-87%

The most practical is doing the traited Divebomb reset.
I often will traited divebomb reset, 3~bounce cancel B3 to level transfer if they still have clash.

The times I have tried the full damage I never finish because either it ends there life/round or they clash.
I just want to say your Youtube video intro is 33% of the video.

Why does everyone do this? Your channel is shown right below the video. A 3 second "I'm this guy!" blip would do just fine.

I predict in a few years, 33% of all video time in Youtube will be dedicated to intro-videos that somewhat resemble a news-channel opening segue.

This NEEEEEEEDS to stop.


I just want to say your Youtube video intro is 33% of the video.

Why does everyone do this? Your channel is shown right below the video. A 3 second "I'm this guy!" blip would do just fine.

I predict in a few years, 33% of all video time in Youtube will be dedicated to intro-videos that somewhat resemble a news-channel opening segue.

This NEEEEEEEDS to stop.
It looks more professional and it only risked up like 8 seconds lmfao.