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Summer Jam roll call?


REO Tom Brady AK Pig Of The Hut GGA 16 Bit Shock summoning CD jr Maxter Blackula DanCock and a ton of other names I can't think of...

I have an idea up my sleeve concerning a video that I plan to shoot footage for at Summer Jam. Unless some unforeseen circumstance... I should be attending Summer Jam in August. With this thread I'm just trying to get a feel for who all will be there... and that I may pest you while you're there. ;)

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I'm going. I already have the time off from both my jobs.
I wont be there until first thing saturday morning as that day we'll be coming back from my yearly week with Poppa Box, but I'll be arriving just as the registrations are opening and the pools are being bracketed.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Fall Classic? You'd be essential in this project is why I'm asking.
Again very unlikely however TFC is a better chance but honestly won't know till that week

Earliest i can guarantee is IF MLG announces for November

Taking time off to restructure my game, fine tune new mains and if I'm going to beg lie cheat and steal to get off work I wanna make sure I'm ready 100%

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
STORMS to be clear

Ill be at TFC if that week my boss leaves for the week which he sporadically does

If he does I have people who can 100% lie cheat and steal for me so no one will ever know I was gone

Seeing how aug-jan is football season id need this to happen to be able to go


Most devastating losses. Calling it now ;_;
I see you follow me on twitter.. lol. Well, yes and "more" than that...?

I just personally feel that our community needs more spotlight. I get tired of seeing so many hype videos showcasing SF/Marvel/KOF/Tekken etc communities... we have stories, we have history. Once people learn this more and more... following those players and their community seems "more" in itself.