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Sub Zero/Cage Combo

I haven't seen much in the way of tag mode strategies, but I came up with this idea while fiddling around with Sub Zero and Johnny Cage. I'm not familiar with most of the casts' tag assists :)d:l+:tag) so this might also work with other characters.

The setup starts with getting the opponent frozen on the ground, then doing a jump-in punch into :l:fp,:bp which is then cancelled into :d:l+:tag. This will cause Cage to come out with his double fireball assist, which will cost one section of meter. At this point it seems like you gain enough hit-stun advantage off of Cage's assist to force the opponent to guess if you're going to sweep/slide, hit him with an overhead :r:bk, or any other option you have available. If the opponent guesses correctly, the fun's over, but if you land an :r:bk, you can cancel that into a freeze and start the combo over again.

Theoretically, you could repeat this loop several times depending on how many sections of meter you have. In practice, a good opponent will eventually guess your 50/50 after Cage's assist or just break the combo. However, taken to its full extreme, you'd end up with:

:bp:bp:d:r+:fk, :l:l, :ur:fp:l:fp:bp:d:l+:tag
:r:bk:d:r+:fk, :l:l, :ur:fp:l:fp:bp:d:l+:tag
:r:bk:d:r+:fk, :l:l, :ur:fp:l:fp:bp:d:l+:tag
:r:bk:d:r+:fk, :u:fp, :l:fp:bp, :bp:fp:bk:l:r:bk

I've tried out some and it does seem to fluster people quite a bit, and if the opponent correctly blocks :r:bk then you're still in good shape because it's safe. Obviously there are other options too but that is the main one I've been playing around with since many players have a tendency to reflexively block that move low. If you suspect the opponent is going to try to mash something out after Cage's fireballs you could also try going into :bp:bp, and then hit-confirming a freeze or block confirming a :bk-clone.

I'm not sure how viable this setup truly is or if it's worth the meter, but I haven't seen much use for mid-combo tagging other than getting your teammate out. Generally any obvious setup for tagging usually activates some sort of damage scaling that makes it not useful in the first place, so this one breaks up the combo but takes advantage of the hit-stun.

Here's a video of it in action. I set the AI partner to human and had him constantly jump backwards to confirm if it was possible to escape the string by jumping.

Sorry for the bad quality, but the damage of each chunk is 26%, 24%, 24%, and 30% for a total of 104%, though I'd hope any player worth his salt would have enough meter at some point during this to break it.

If anyone else has thoughts on other characters this sort of setup might be viable with, I'd definitely like to know. Sub Zero in particular seems to open up this kind of thing.


Very nice I have one like that with raiden and Sub zero but it is one combo for 79%. I also have something very similar to what you have except with cyber sub-zero and noob, also scorpion and nightwolf.