EGP Wonder_Chef
Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
EGP Wonder Chef is a successful Injustice tournament player, and also a key 'scientist' with regard to discovering tech in the game. Today he brings us a video that introduces a mechanic Street Fighter natives will be familiar with -- the Safe Jump. The video explains a bit about the technique, and how it can be used in Injustice to gain safe pressure after hard knockdowns.
As Chef explains:
As Chef explains:
Basically there are timings where you can jump attack after a hard knockdown and be able to block certain wakeup attacks, but if they don't do a wakeup attack they have to block it.
Right now it seems like the limit is any wakeup faster than 12 or 13 frames can't be safe jumped, although I could be wrong.
Tagging Krayzie and Under_The_Mayo because this catwoman one is really good (even though Krayzie has seen it before.)
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