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Stick recommendations

Nucking Futs!

Love me some arcade sticks!
Not a big fan of Qanba/Eightarc due to numerous issues with the PCB. Check SRK's Qanba thread to see what I'm talking about. Had a Q3 EMP edition which was fine but it's the Q4-series peeps are having issues with. I'd go with Hori (V3-SA or VX-SA Kai edition or VLX Diamond if you wanna have the best of the best for a mass produced stick) or Madcatz (TE-S+ or V.S.). I prefer Hori but that's just me.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Popped some Sanwa silent buttons in my backup TE today. It takes a little getting used to not hearing a clank every input, but after 10 minutes they felt ace. Now I'm contemplating dropping $70 on a silent stick, but Paradise seems to be oos. Lizard Lick is defunct unfortunately, what other stick distros do ye gents recommend?I should have just dropped the cheddar at SCR when I grabbed the buttons. :oops:

Shoutouts to Awesomo for introducing me to silent stick parts.

OT: No Good Nelson, I highly recommend picking up a TE. These things are built to last.