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Steam Pad Pre-Orders open... good for fighting games?


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
So the steam pad is ready for pre-order.... A lot of peoples problems with fighting games is input error... gettting the stick to move right or getting good movement on the d-pad.... So you guys think this pad could be a game changer for fighting games players who use pad?


I mean I guess it will be limited by being steambox (linux) / pc but still. Kinda bummed they went with the 360 style and the 4 cross buttons rather than the 6 buttons in 2 rows... but as this has no d-pad at all and uses touch technology (like a phone screen I guess).. .. .

What do you guys think of this new controller?

Bryck Walle

Counting the Days for the JCVD Johnny Costume!
I'm excited to test it. Dunno how it'll be for fighting games, but it def looks phenominal for FPS's. Gives you the accuracy of a mouse with your thumbs.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
if it "works" and that is a big "if"... it may be very good for fighting games as there would be no d-pad input errors right.. you are literally just sliding your thumb around... I duno I am keen to try it... but it just looks so strange.
theres no dpad, so im going to say no

edit : also depends how smooth the touch pad things is, if there friction dbf motions are going to be awful.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
I think the Dpad will not function that well for movement, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone got good with it


That looks bad for fighting games, especially if you prefer a directional pad similar to how Dualshocks have.

The thing I don't get though is why are the buttons so low? There is a perfect spot for those buttons on the right side of the controller but there is just nothing there and it looks goofy lol
I guarantee this pad will be hot garbage for fighting games. No one on PC consistently stays on fighting games en masse after a set period of time, unlike console players. Then you'd have to get an adapter probably for other platforms etc...it's just a headache.


The Yankees blew a 3-0 lead in the 2004 ALCS.
I don't like how low the buttons are and I'm not sure what's going on with the d-pad, but who knows maybe it'll be perfect for fighting games.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
They've done this before
Yeah been mentioned already.. but crappy 1993 tech isn't really relevant. The kind of trackpads they had on laptops is not what they are claiming this will be. Touchscreen tech has advanced a long way over the last 20 years. Some track pads are higher resolution than most mouses.

No one on PC consistently stays on fighting games en masse after a set period of time, unlike console players. Then you'd have to get an adapter probably for other platforms etc...it's just a headache.
The street fighter iv community id pretty strong on PC. Even some top players claim it is the "best" version. Tekken 7 is getting made for it.. I think the PC scene is just going to grow over the next decade. I think the only real hold out is the solcal series.
Yeah been mentioned already.. but crappy 1993 tech isn't really relevant. The kind of trackpads they had on laptops is not what they are claiming this will be. Touchscreen tech has advanced a long way over the last 20 years. Some track pads are higher resolution than most mouses.

The street fighter iv community id pretty strong on PC. Even some top players claim it is the "best" version. Tekken 7 is getting made for it.. I think the PC scene is just going to grow over the next decade. I think the only real hold out is the solcal series.
i love the soulcalibur series, but namco bandai is messin up. taking out characters, putting in characters, writing themselves into a whole story wise