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Stage Interactables: How do you feel about them?


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Just a curiosity thread really, but how do you guys feel about interactable stage objects at this point? It's not really a question of if they're unbalanced (game is too young to make that distinction imo), just more a question of if you like them or not.

As for me, it depends on which one's we're talking about. I really like the ones where you bounce you opponent off of something in the background to combo off of. It gives every character a good opportunity for good mid-screen damage (provided they're in the right spot), and it's just so swaggy.

However, I'm not as big a fan of the ones that do damage (like the cars that you can throw/blow or the water on either side of Atlantis to name a few). I always vote to turn off stage interactables at level select (even though it doesn't do anything unless both players select to turn them off, I think...). They just seem to interrupt flow of the game...

It's more of a peeve of mine I guess, but it's annoying when I'm fighting someone and they just keep jumping away just for the sake of trying to throw a car on me. I get that it's a cool, new element and to a casual fan, it's probably great. But after 5 days or so, it's just kinda gotten old... but again, that's just one man's opinion.

I'm just curious on what the general community's opinion on them are, at this point and in the future. I think it'll be interesting to see how they develop strategically as time goes on as well.

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
After playing in my first tournament today I SERIOUSLY hope that the stage objects stay ON for tournament games. The stage transitions not so much, as they are kind of long and they do a lot of damage. So many people are upset about how much damage they do or not being able to block them, yet no one complains about having assists in marvel. I was in plenty of matches today where if not for a corner object I would have just lost the match before it even started, or if not for sliding across the top of atlantis I wouldn't have had a chance. Not to give them all the credit for winning because I did eat my fair share of explosive cars and statues. The people watching were so excited and into it when somebody got slammed by something. It brings a whole separate strategic depth to the game. My response to those hating the damage you take is to make sure you deal that damage first if that's the case. You may not be able to block them but you can avoid them. The transitions can go but without the objects you might as well play street fighter or king of fighters because that's what makes injustice different from that. Not that anyone cares about me playing and being a part of the community but I wouldn't play or support any tournaments without the objects and if they were removed as a whole I'd just go back to playing shooters tbh. just my two cents on the matter.


Tired, But Strong
Love 'em. I've been meaning to spend time going through all of the stages and getting a feel for how all of their interactables work (Pretty sure there quite a few i've yet to see!), but I'm still working on some real fundamental shit (so behind!).

I just know that every single Fortress of Solitude (the lab area, not the menagerie) and Ferris fight I've been in tends to start with both players jumping up for the Disco Ball or Missile :p Makes me think of some b-ball shit, and it amuses me to no end. And people are already hella wary of the left corner of the Watchtower's upper level. It's nice to see people adapting so quickly to such a new system.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I don't like how they're unblockable , do high damage , hard to escape and leave you RIDICULOUSLY frame advantaged. I play Deathstroke so they actually help me but I think they're just unfair. (Dumpster , Pig and Atlantis water pumps especially)


I like them the way they are. Watch Reo vs Brady and how they were strategizing and dodging the interactibles. Makes it more hype for viewers for sure.

Vulcan Hades

First I thought they were super cheap and OP. Then I started using them myself and I didn't feel dirty at all. :)

Like REO said they add a whole notha level of mind games man! If your opponent is near a stage interaction, that stage interaction becomes a part of that character's move list. You have to constantly think about it and its hitbox trajectory.

You can try to walk/dash in and out of the interactable's range to try and bait it. Or be pre-emptive about it and attack before they have the chance to activate it. Likewise, your opponent can camp/dance back and forth near an interactable to mess with your head and make you expect it, then dash in for a throw or jump or whatever. The threat alone is enough to limit a character's mobility and options. Or get them to adopt a certain wanted behavior.

They're cool. Plus they make matches end much quicker. This game is already fast paced but with smart use of interactables matches can end in 1 minute. I like quick games because that just means you can get more matches in.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I love them! Using Shazam's MB psycho crusher to throw a guy out of the corner, and then following up with a car smash or a ripping a tree from the ground to flatten them is amazing!

Right now only a few people are using the b3/f3 MB options to get through interactibles and punish. As the game evolves and more people learn to use MB-ing against the interactibles I think there will be a shift in how they are used.


Of all the things I've heard of and experienced, OTG interactable thrown after a combo is the worst. It is the only time when you can not avoid the interactable. Sure, the argument can be made that if you didn't put yourself in a position to be comboed, then you'd be fine, but free 20% damage after an average 35-40% combo? That is ridiculous.

Other than that, all seems fine. They add a new layer to mindgames and can help characters overcome bad matchups.