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Stage advantages for P1 and P2

Most of them are so punishable anyway. I do wonder if a couple of the flame interactables (themyscria, watchtower) are over the top for DS/zoners because they activate so fast and completely mix up the timing of getting in on these guys.

However I suspect zoners are going to have a lot of trouble over time so it's not really an issue.


Plus on block.
That Star/rock thingy at the top isn't a ship, superman's baby ship is on the far left, it's a wallbounce interact-able.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Atlantis or Joker's Arkham pt1 (flower and tv's) seem like my fairest places so far. For the folks I use. Though I also like outside the Hall of Justice a lot. Though I gotta say if you pick The Flash in some stages he gets divekicks and between the two TV's he can divekick and then end up in position under another TV for more divekick. Its really freakin' fun and crossup heavy for him in those situations.