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SRK Emigrant from Pittsburgh

What's up guys?

As the title suggests, I'm coming over from SRK. That place has gotten pretty bad lately :facepalm: and honestly, I don't care about much of the news that goes through there or the community anymore. Some of you have probably seen me around. I know I've seen you guys at SB, I even wanted to chill and learn some UMK3 since our hotel room was 2 doors from the MK players but I Think it was like 3am when we came in to your guys' place.

I've been playing fighters since 1999 when Tekken 3 came out but didn't get serious until 2005 with 3s. Unfortunately I was an online warrior until 2008 when I finally made it to Seasons Beatings 3 where I didn't do well. To this day I love 3s but still suck at it.

I've played MK ever since I was little. I remember always wanting the new one on Genesis since that's what I had. I remember having my Aunt buy me MK3 on Genesis since my mom wouldn't.

After that though I only tried the newer MK games in passing (I remember 4 and maybe DA?) until Tim Static brought the arcade cab to SB4. Before that, I had bought UMK3 on my Xbox 360 (It was my first XBLA download ever) and got my ass whooped, turned into a combo video. Didn't touch it again until SB4.

I knew 3 things: Kabal was top tier, Ermac was like 5th, and spin dash was good... and I still lost. Still, I was hooked. If I remember right, he was trying to sell the cab that year. If I had money I would have bought it immediately.

Since I can't play online at my university, I've only been able to play UMK3 sporadically (I talked to IgotBaZZ but we're both busy people) and despite people here picking up MK9, I still won't get to play much due to a sort of falling out with some people (stupid immature shit that I get blamed for I'm sure :effyou:) but I'll definitely be playing this.

I had lost hope for fighters in the recent years with no console release of KOF13 and the shit fests that were SF4 and MvC3, but I hope MK9 can bring that back at least a little bit.

I'll give any game a shot, even old ones that are considered bad. I consider myself a fighting game fan first, and an ST, 3s, and Tekken "tournament" player 2nd. Maybe I can add MK to that list soon.


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A very warm welcome to you. Enjoy your stay and thanks for signing up. :top: