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Square Gate or Octagon


I'm sure this is something that has been asked a thousand times and the ultimate answer maybe "it's down to preference", but I got a Qanba fightstick about a month ago.

After a month of using it, im beginning to feel more and more natural with it. I can do far more elaborate combos on the stick then I can on my Fightpad and im even getting used to spacing.

The only thing I have a issue with, is doing things like a njp or a quick down poke in the heat of the action. If I do a njp, sometimes I jump forward or back. If I do a quick down poke, I sometimes inadvertantly do a db or df which can ensue into a special instead.

I've tried being more gentle with the stick as I know they can be sensitive, but I wonder if what im doing is due to just inexperience (havent used a stick for like, 10 years since a month ago) or if it's the gate. The Qanba has a square gate.

Do gates affect how the stick executes?