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Speculating with the Facts

Heys guys, ive been reflecting on all the information ive come across from reputable sources, and have been speculating tonight on the return characters with the highest probability to return, and my thought process to validate why i think they are a logical chatacter to appear in MKX.

First off, before we talk about who has the highest chances of returnig, lets address the FACTs of what we know wbout how many we can expect:

::Relevent info given to us by NRS::

1st. NRS/Boon has continued to allude to this being the biggest/huge roster of 'new' characters. (Fact)

2. Current character select screen shows 24 players (fact)

3. Story picks up right after Mk9 thru 25 yrs into. Future

4. ::comparing to past games::
(Please dont 'wordsmith' my numbers..im refering to first time playable..as in Shang was a 'new' playable chatacter in part 2)

Mk2: 7new out of 12 =58%

(U)mk3 : 12 new out of 24= 50%

Mk4: 7 new out of 16 = 48%

Mk5: 10 new out 23 = 43%

Mk6: 8new out of 24 = 33%


The introduction of new char has been slowly declining, but if we take NRS' word at face value for MKX as having the largest amount of new characters for a new sequel, then we have to assume at least HALF of that 24 character select (assumimg demo build is showing the accuratr amount of slots), makimg it 12 new/12 returning (which when someone tweeted this to Boon he said sounded 'about accurate'). If this is factual, that would mean only 8 spots left..buteven less if you try to reason out who will return and why.

12 returning (?)


2. Sub

3. Raiden

4. Kano


5. Quan Chi (Ending of MK9 implied he and Shinnok were prime antagonsts of MK10)

6. Shinnok (see above)

7. Tanya (an actress has been named on IMDB. This could however be storymode only)

8. Fujin (moving forward with MK9 as cannon, Raiden has few allies left..i believe sonya and cages involvement will b in story only. Raiden will call upon his fellow god of earthrealm)

9. Lui Kang (they only implied he died in mk9...and even so, has been a zombie in mk6.has appeared playable in every mk accept 5. will most likely involve a story of him fighting against raiden avenging the acts of mk9)

10. and 11.

Bo Rai Cho and Shujinko
(The acts of mk9 could not have stopped this storyline being that it began before the first tournaments..its logical to think they will be at least 1-2characters representing the new hatacters from the 3d era)

12. I would guess another female favorite.

I know some of this speculation was just that. What ate your thoughts?


I'm not confident that NRS will let the MK9 narrative dictate the roster. We may see the dead resurrected in some way, and survivors may only appear in passing or not at all. So the field is pretty broad.

In any case, some folks will be disappointed. Then they will play the game and fine a new favorite.



Fabulous Goofball
I'd be thoroughly disappointed if any of the characters that died in MK9 returned in MKX, UNLESS, they get the Noob Saibot treatment where EVERYTHING from looks, to personality, to moveset is COMPLETELY CHANGED. From Dj2Scoops list, I'd replace #9 with Reptile and #12 would most likely be Mileena.
I'd be thoroughly disappointed if any of the characters that died in MK9 returned in MKX, UNLESS, they get the Noob Saibot treatment where EVERYTHING from looks, to personality....
I agree with this, but Boon/NRS has already adressed the qustion about about people dieing in Mortal Kombat and not staying dead (cage, lui kang, goro, kahn, sindel, etc). The fact that it showed Quan Chi having obtained all of the souls towards the end of MK9 wasnt just NRS giving us a few more minutes of story. I believe it was serving a higher purpose as to forshadow what we can expect to see out of some of these characters again, whether it be as playable characters for MKX or as story arcs.