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Spear glitch


Forum General Emeritus
I was messing around earlier tonight and discovered a glitch in which the spear and chain got stuck in the opponent for the remainder of the match. It spanned the entire length of the screen and it never went away. I did the fatality where you kick his torso into the background and the spear did go away after that, lol. If anyone else runs across it, post and let me know. I'm trying to duplicate it for YouTube.


Forum General Emeritus
ScheissNussen said:
Who was it on, what stage, what exactly did you do and what did they do before it
It was in the living forest and (I think) it was against either Scorpion or SubZero. I had done a spear, some sort of combo, and then another spear. The second spear was a dragdown in which the chain did not disappear. I can't remember what the combo was. The opponent was just standing still.


Forum General Emeritus
I tried doing it again for 30 minutes while recording and couldn't duplicate it. Figures... I'll try again tomorrow.
I saw it on the TRMK live stream when it first came out. I haven't seen it addressed, so once we get it on video (I actually think there is one up on YT already) we should probably tweet it to Ed.

Jason Shearer

Was it something like this? This happened to me twice, the first time with Scorpion and the second time with Cage. I couldn't replicate it either.

From what I understand, this build is at least 8 weeks old and this bug has been fixed already.


ScheissNussen said:
I swear the weirdest shit always happens while you aren't recording. I'm sure X could tell you some stories about that lol
lol don't get me started :p

All in all this is looking like a true MK, over 50% combos within a day and weird stuff that isn't supposed to happen.
This is worthy of Boon's stamp :p

Can't wait for the final game.


Forum General Emeritus
Interesting, when it happened to me, the spear stuck in the torso; not the arm. Now I REALLY want to duplicate this glitch.