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Spatially Detached


Scrublord McGee
As many of you might have noticed, I lurk on these forums and the GameFAQs forums, pretty much talking from theory and word-of-mouth rather than actual experience. Why you may ask?

1. I live right in the sub-rural middle between two hotspots for competitive gaming.
2. I have no reliable and "trustworthy" transportation. And I mean trustworthy as no one has faith that I, a 6'2" 225 lb. guy, won't get abducted or robbed except for me. I would get a license if everyone I knew wasn't so busy.
3. Bad lag on HDTV, even in Game Mode, and the regular TV is in a concrete dead-zone.

What does that mean?

1. There is no competition within walking distance.
2. There is competition within driving distance, but I cannot drive, and I cannot get a ride either.
3. Online is a hit or miss: either I can consistently get my ass handed to me, or I can hope that every one in ten games I actually get to play.

So, the big question: should I give up on competitive gaming?


Scrublord McGee
@ Bryan: TV thing sounds like a good idea if I can find a room outside of concrete hell to put it in lol. But the flight thing may be tricky: just looking to go to some semi-local events.

@ Tim: Thank ya Sir Static.

@ Seven: To me, I want to experience the competitive gaming scene in person, if only for better social interaction compared to online play. I want to play against other players, improve my own game, and gain more insight into mechanics and systems. I prefer local or semi-local competition (I got stomped at a Magic Grand Prix tryout, so I'm hesitant when it comes to majors), but it doesn't matter as long as I can grow and share.


@ Seven: To me, I want to experience the competitive gaming scene in person, if only for better social interaction compared to online play. I want to play against other players, improve my own game, and gain more insight into mechanics and systems. I prefer local or semi-local competition (I got stomped at a Magic Grand Prix tryout, so I'm hesitant when it comes to majors), but it doesn't matter as long as I can grow and share.
Get your license, go!