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Sooo in MK4...

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Shinnok took Edenia and then took down the Elder gods? And mosieur Liu Kang and the guys just went to Edenia to save Kitana?

Is that it?

I was thinking, the way MK9 ended, Shinnok didn't want to take down the Elder Gods right away wasn't he? He wanted Outworld and Earthrealm, but why?


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Eddy Wang

Shinnok never wanted Outworld or Edenia, he was just using Edenia as his jump off point to assault Heaven. After Shinnok left to take Heaven, he left Edenia to Quan Chi, and it was he and his minions who held Kitana and the rest of the Edenians captive. Liu (on his own) ventured into Edenia to save Kitana but failed, and after that he contacted his friends to go back and try to get her again. Raiden was kind of MIA sort of while that was going on, as when Shinnok assaulted Heaven, he and his fellow Gods (Fujin) went into Heaven to help that fight.

The end of MK4 is kind of up in the air. Some info point to Liu Kang "winning" the battle (beating Shinnok), but I think Raiden was actually the one to finish that fight which ultimately ended with Raiden taking Shinnok's place as and EG. Since Scorpion was the one to "beat" Quan Chi, I think it was Liu who defeated Goro (again) and freed Kitana, and all the other characters just played their part in the overall story while also taking part in their own side storys.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Shinnok will have to take down the Elder Gods in order to take Earthrealm without Netherealm winning 10 consecutive MKs.
Shinnok cannot fight in Mortal Kombat, nor could he challenge any realm to MK in order to take it over. He was banished there for eternity by EG decree so it would be an act against the EGs just for his to escape Hell...which he did.

Interesting, i'm trying to get a general idea of what the hell happened there ^^
Ask me anything! I'm one of the biggest MK story nerds around, so if I can't answer your question off the top of my head, I can find the answer no problem.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Shinnok cannot fight in Mortal Kombat, nor could he challenge any realm to MK in order to take it over. He was banished there for eternity by EG decree so it would be an act against the EGs just for his to escape Hell...which he did.

Ask me anything! I'm one of the biggest MK story nerds around, so if I can't answer your question off the top of my head, I can find the answer no problem.
Cool, good to know, so i've read that during the events of MK4 he kills 3 of the gods (earthgod "probably the 1st one to die" watergod and fire god)

Assuming this, it seems that during the mythlogies series Sub-Zero didn't kill them at all. I'm a bit confused by this because in MKMS, Sub-Zero returns the Amulet back to raiden when he returns from Netherealm, however, MK4 suggests that Subby wabby possibly never went to neatherrealm, and if he went, then Shinnok probably switched the amulet for a fake replica (which he plotted in advance before)

Can i get an explanation to this and as well your point of view?


My GT: UncappedWheel82
@Eddy Wang

No Sub didn't "kill" those Gods, his simply temporarily defeated them. Also, it is only implied that Shinnok killed those other Gods in MK4 (iirc), but that probably isn't true either.

About Shinnok's Amulet, the Amulet that Sub returned to Raiden wasn't the real Amulet. When Quan first stole the Amulet and supposedly gave it to Shinnok, it was durring that time that Quan copied it, kept the original, and gave the copy to Shinnok. The story says something about the copy being so accurate that Shinnok nor Raiden could tell the difference. In MK4 they somehow got the copy back (off panel at some time), or maybe Shinnok found a different amulet all together (John Vogel, lead writer on the MK series, hinted that there may be multiple amulets years ago in an interview, but nothing has been cemented about that), and Shinnok may have had that other artifact when he attacked Heaven.

At some point in the MK4 story it was (probably) revealed that the amulet that Shinnok had was a fake, and that is most likely how Raiden (or Liu Kang) was able to defeat Shinnok in that game. In MKMSZ, the opening back story told of how strong Shinnok was with the true Amulet, and how he could stand up the full power of the EGs with it. Shinnok not having the Amulet is the only way anyone could have beated him both in the MKM game, and in MK4. Regardless though, Quan Chi had and kept the real Amulet through the rest of the MK story, all the way up until MKA when it was revealed what/who the Amulet really was, and how it was created.

At this point I'm getting into story bits you didn't ask about, if you want to know/don't already know though, I'll keep going.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
No probs, i will ask you if i get into trouble again, thanks a lot ^^
I hate the Onaga saga btw, but thats another story, just want to focus on MK4 first ^^


My GT: UncappedWheel82
No probs, i will ask you if i get into trouble again, thanks a lot ^^
I hate the Onaga saga btw, but that's another story, just want to focus on MK4 first ^^
Most people don't like the story(s) of the later 3d games, personally though, while Onaga doesn't rank as high as say Kahn or Shinnok on my 'favorite villains list', there were some awesome story-lines and events that happened during that era.

Chaos and Order (Havik), the Outworld/Edenia Civil War, all of Shujinko's saga...yeah, I'm a real junkie for this stuff. :D

May I ask, what are you working on? A short story of some kind?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Most people don't like the story(s) of the later 3d games, personally though, while Onaga doesn't rank as high as say Kahn or Shinnok on my 'favorite villains list', there were some awesome story-lines and events that happened during that era.

Chaos and Order (Havik), the Outworld/Edenia Civil War, all of Shujinko's saga...yeah, I'm a real junkie for this stuff. :D

May I ask, what are you working on? A short story of some kind?
Comic book called MKX
Already started, by that last scene when Shao Kahn is destroyed i'm going to take it from there.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Cool! You've gotta show off some stuff once you get to comfortable point. I'd love to see/read whatever you create.
Yeah, i draw the storyboard, write the script and do the Inking (corrections on PC too), and i'm currently looking for someone for digital coloring, the pencil is done by a friend of mine who is much more advanced than i am.

I put him into some tests and aid him to draw some MK characters, he passed.
The style you're going to see is something like this:

We have some scribbles stored here, i just didn't inked them yet, i got my light box today too, so i took it for a spin, the first page is already inked too. I'm going for corrections tomorrow since will be holiday.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
@Eddy Wang Sweet man!

Well, good luck on it all, wish I could help but I have no drawing talent to speak of. But yeah, ask me anything on the storyand I'll do my best to get you/keep you right. :)


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Onilordasmodeus i have a question: in MK4, how could Shinnok be free, did Shinnok go to EarthRealm??? Cuz his amulet was fake in MK4.
When you ask "how could Shinnok be free", I'm guessing you mean why didn't the EGs know he was free.

Well, the short answer would be Quan Chi. (skip to the TL;DR if you don't want to read everything)

Quan Chi, without the Amulet, has the power to open portals to "any" realm and go through them undetected by the appointed Gods of that realm, or even the EGs themselves. Also, the Netherrealm itself is a pretty inaccessible realm in its own right, as you can probably count on one hand the amount of characters, or times that a character, have actually physically gone there and gotten back out under their own power, without dieing and being resurrected, or without some ancient artifact to aid them. Not even Quan Chi can stay there for extended periods of time as he has to leave and comeback for fear of being trapped there himself.

It is worth noting that Quan has his own space in some unknown realm where he can astral project himself through dimensions as well, so sometimes he may opt to not go there at all.

Another point that has to do with Shinnok's banishing specifically, is that when he was banished to the NR in the first place, it wasn't the EGs who imprisoned him at all, it was Lucifer.

When Shinnok landed in the NR, Lucifer and his minions attacked him, imprisoned him, and tortured him for millennium; but when Quan set Shinnok free from the binds that Lucifer put on him, Shinnok took over everything in that realm. It is possible that the EGs weren't aware that Lucifer had been dethroned, nor that Shinnok had come to power, but most likely they just didn't really care what was going on, because the bottom line is that when Shinnok was sent to the NR, he was accepted by the realm (meaning his corruption tied him to the fabric of that realm), the Realm itself devours magic so Shinnok was presumably kept in a weakened state, and all of the magics that would have allowed Shinnok's return from that plane were hidden away and guarded, or lost.

Another thing to keep in mind too is that the EGs don't enter the realms AT ALL. Even at the end of MK9 they just sent there "power" into Raiden rather than go down and deal with Kahn themselves. The EGs actively try not to interfere with issues of the realms for "fear" of being corrupted by the One Being (like Shinnok was), so they instead let/instruct others do their bidding, and fight in their stead.

So, Quan Chi being a "mortal", and a free roaming sorcerer, and being Shinnok's right hand...coupling that and all the facts/info I put up top with the fact that the EGs don't really care what "mortals" do at all, and you can start to see how Shinnok and Quan Chi went under the radar to everybody.

  1. Quan freed Shinnok without the EGs knowing since he is a free roaming sorcerer;
  2. Shinnok took over the NR during the time that Shao Kahn and Onaga were merging worlds and building their own empire (many disturbances in the "furies" and the EGs don't interfere with the realms directly unless there laws are explicity broken);
  3. Quan Chi had been studying the real Amulet for years before helping Shinnok escape in MK4, and he had many connections throughout the realms. He most likely had figured out/manipulated a way to free and mask Shinnok from even the EGs (like he does himself), and I think the big thing is that the portal that was opened for him was opened from the outside, from Edenia to the NR, not from Netherrealm to anywhere else.

It is also worth noting that in the MK story, Quan Chi is a very "special" character, with the ability to do things that no other character can do. In MKA we learned that all the corruption in the realms, even Shinnok's fall from grace, may have been because of Quan Chi's influence (before he was actually Quan Chi).

At this point in the story, it is still unclear exactly what Quan Chi is, but it is without question that he is more than just some simple, or even very powerful, sorcerer. Quan Chi just may be the One Being incarnate...that or just a very powerful emissary of the OB. Regardless, he apparently knows things that not even the EGs know, and they apparently cannot, or will not, kill/destroy him.

The "real" bad guy behind all the bad stuff that happens in the MKU is Quan Chi as he manipulates most everyone, and his influence corrupts everything.


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
Those were great reads I had kept up with the MK plot till MK4 and seeing more of quan chi's power and evil in detail is great. He has such a great design, wth the best special (DABIDAFBEHUHU foot stomp) and his leg rip fatality is humiliating. I had played sub zero mythologies way back then and had the suspicions that that necromancer had more underneath his sleeve.

I'm still completely clueless about DA, deception, and armaggedon. Maybe you could give me some on Insight on why the villains are as great as Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, or the almighty Quan-Chi.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Onilordasmodeus Thanks dude, and how about Tanya, i don't really understand her role in MK4.
No problem.

Tanya's role in MK4 was pretty straight forward and simple.

In that story, Tanya was/is the daughter of the 'Ambassador to New Realms' in Edenia, and as such she convinced her Father (or Mother) to allow a group of "refugees" to pass into Edenia to "help them out." After convincing her parent(s) to help, they convinced Sindel to allow it to happen, and because of that Sindel unwittingly opened a portal to the Netherrealm, through which Shinnok and his Brothers of the Shadow came.

Because of Tanya's deal with Quan, Shinnok took Edenia by surprise, and rather quickly squashed all resistance in that realm.

This right here is honestly why I like Shinnok so much more than Kahn. Don't get me wrong, I love Kahn too, but Shinnok took a realm by force in mere minutes/hours, and then almost destroyed Heaven in the same amount of time. ALL of Shinnok forces, except Quan Chi and the rest of his Generals, are apparitions that he's willed into existence, and though Shinnok has had to rely on "lesser beings" like Quan Chi and the rest of his Generals from time to time in his story, he is still ridiculously powerful and resorceful. Shinnok is basically a one God Army.