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Something on my mind


Infinite Meter Kombos
I could be wrong. What if mkx is 3d gameplay? It's because of when Sub-Zero freezes and throws Scorpion in mkx video. The way his body twists as he throws, reminds me of throwing opponents onto statutes in mk vs dc when you have multiple statutes. Idk, it's just a feeling.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I wouldn't say nothing. Interactive backgrounds, weapons, enhanced / super moves, x-rays...those are all nods to what they want to do in this game. This is the way NRS has rolled for years.


Infinite Meter Kombos
Once again... This is not gameplay!!!! >____< the moves in there have nothing to do with real gameplay.
In mk9 cinematic trailer, sub-zero stamped on scorpions head, a move which became enhanced and went to stryker. Scorpion ripped off subs head and put it in his chest, a fatality that went to kano. mkx might not be a finished product but certain move sets might be swapped and given to other characters