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Some sad news, for some of you... maybe

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
So some of you who know me are aware that I joined TYM only two months ago, I've had a lot of free time since then and have spent some of it here on TYM getting to know others and obviously posting. Most of you are aware that I am a big supporter of the Lobo forum and don't hesitate to speak my mind if I feel certain topics apply to that character.

Mainly, I've stated I plan on going to majors with this character as my main. Though I just wanted to make this thread to inform all of the people who have been supportive of me on the forum to a few key things. So I start working again soon, and I'll not only have less time to spend on the forums but less practice time for tournament prep as well. The good news is, I'll be making money to compete and things of that nature, but obviously the drawback is I'll be spending less time active in the community. I'll be working two part-time jobs that add up to roughly 40 hours a week.

In some instances I may be doing some of you a favor by being on the forum less, as evidenced by a lot of hate mail I've been receiving lately. As a message to those people, instead of putting me down for having an opinion on something that I feel am capable of changing or helping, how about you get a job of your own travel to a tourney as well and prove me wrong. That topic is something else entirely though thats all I have to say. For the next few days, I'll be on as per usual but come August 8th I'll be on much less than normal. With that I thank all those that have shown me respect and support and I promise to represent my sub-community for IGUA the best I can once I make my tournament debut. Thank you and have a good day.

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
I respect anyone who voices their opinions regardless of what others think or say.
Life always comes first man. Much respect
Thank you, know that I'm not leaving the community but for the for the time being, I just won't be as active within it.

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
Well guys it starts tomorrow, I'm prepping for training week while surfing the forum lol I'm gonna have like no free time lol