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Some information about the mechanics of the Soul Steal

After the timer on the morph has run out, morphing back works like this: the game "queues up" the transforming-back-animation for the next time shang tsung is in neutral position. Neutral position can mean one of several things, for example:
1. when your pad/stick goes to neutral
2. After an Attack.
3. After you land from a jump.
4. probably after you get hit, haven't tested this.

What this means is simple: if you keep walking back, forward, if you crouch or simply holding block, you WILL NOT MORPH BACK. you can even quickly switch your walking direction, or dashcancel into block, walk again etc.

So, what's the point, if you'll transform back after one more attack/combo anyway? Not that much point to it, but you can "save up" one more move (or combo) from the transformed character. The best way to avoid neutral inputs for this very last move would be to hold block, hold the last direction, let go of block and push the button (again, to avoid the pad/stick going into neutral position).
BTW, somebody just told me this pretty much how the morph worked in older mortal kombat games. it's still good to know, though.


How's my volume?
so we can stay morphed for as long as we want as long as we keep moving?
Basically. Just tested and you can pretty much walk for ages as long as you don't stop. You can duck and walk forwards or backwards, and everything he said in the first post is true. (I also haven't checked getting hit but very likely that you'll transform back then)