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Some help? Stick and 8 buttons?

I ran across a thread entitled "Donate your old stick" on google upon searching for "Broken Stick".
Surprises me Ive never heard of TYM. Ive been a member of Shoryuken.com and TekkenZaibatsu.com for years.

Ive been looking for a good deal over an hour now trying to find some old buttons and stick someone might be selling.

Ive started going to tournaments again, and I really need a stick.
If someone is willing to donate/sell me an old STICK and some BUTTONS(8) It would help me outa lot . I would need switches also. -_-

If you know someone who could help me out, please point me in the right direction.

I have $8.57 in my Paypal account.

"Donate your old stick" thread.

I'd also like to add, I tried to make this thread in TYM Marketplace, but I couldn't create a thread.
I would say the thread is better here... I'm mainly looking for some extra stuff someone has so that I can build a stick.