Hey all....... really working on improving my gameplay in IGAU as I have tourney coming up soon. Basically I'm having an issue I hope people can help with. Now this isnt character specific but il use Raven as an example when I give one. Basically I can do combos etc..... but my problem is knowing which to use etc. Let me explain...... I go for a -> 2, 2, 2 the air lift special..... if the 2s hit im fine and get combo, however, if the block im unsafe and get punished. The problem is I feel I have to commit to the input which the special and im living in hope I get the hits. The problem is how am I ment to recognise whether the moves hit or block to then have enough time to adjust the special at the end to make it a safe string. This is the same with all chars..... it seems like I have to commit to the input before I can recognise if the beginning of the move hits. Because of this im rksking the combos and getting punished..... and if I dont risk the special etc.... I end up missin opportunities for combos because im just doing safe strings. How do you learn to do these things..... recognising whether to keep pressuring with a string leaving you at advantage because they block etc..... or knowing when to commit to the unsafe string coz you know it hits and gives you big damage opportunities. For me im always risking the combo that if blocked leaves me unsafe........ do I hit confirm?? Coz it feeos like I dont have the time to adjust the end of my strings to make safe or not???
Thanks in advance - sorry if confusing
Thanks in advance - sorry if confusing