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General/Other Solomon Grundy's Full Poem


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Alright, so I've come to determine that there is NO. WAY. IN. HELL that all 8 verses of Grundy's poem are not in this game in some form. No way. Here's why:

1. The inflection in his "Married on a Wednesday" line suggests that he still has more to say

2. When Tom Brady addressed it in his "Overreacting to IGAU" thread, his response was "No." Every other question was answered with a detailed paragraph or so. Bastard's hiding something

3. This is NRS we're talking about here. The company that is as known for its secrets and easter eggs as it is for fatalities and gore.

So basically, it's in this freaking game. SO! This thread is for discussing findings/thoughts/ideas anything regarding this hidden gem. Let's find this thing.

I'm not having high hopes for it being a continuation of chain grabs. I've been going through all the double-input directions after the power chain in practice mode but so far, nothing. I don't know if timing's off or what, but I also don't think it's gonna be one long ass grab animation


Too old for this Shit
Have not played him/against him extensively- however what I did play against him I noticed a lack of poem- which is disappointing. Interested what you Grundy players find.

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
There are Hidden moves in the game so I would deffo hold out hope im compiling a list of inputs that could lead to hidden commands from the trait throw


The only hidden move I've found so far is Catwomans low whip. Input: bd3
I found another one with Batman I think, but I can not remember exactly what the input was or even what it did..
I think its a plausible theory.

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
Two Inputs

{U,U} {U,D} {U,F} {U,B} {D,U} {D,D} {D,F} {D,B} {F,U} {F,D} {F,F} {F,B} {B,U} {B,D} {B,F} {B,B}

Three Inputs

{U,U,U} {U,U,D} {U,U,F} {U,U,B} {U,D,U} {U,D,D} {U,D,F} {U,D,B} {U,F,U} {U,F,D} {U,F,F} {U,F,B} {U,B,U} {U,B,D} {U,B,F} {U,B,B} {D,U,U} {D,U,D} {D,U,F} {D,U,B} {D,D,U} {D,D,D} {D,D,F} {D,D,B} {D,F,U} {D,F,D} {D,F,F} {D,F,B} {D,B,U} {D,B,D} {D,B,F} {D,B,B} {F,U,U} {F,U,D} {F,U,F} {F,U,B} {F,D,U} {F,D,D} {F,D,F} {F,D,B} {F,F,U} {F,F,D} {F,F,F} {F,F,B} {F,B,U} {F,B,D} {F,B,F} {F,B,B} {B,U,U} {B,U,D} {B,U,F} {B,U,B} {B,D,U} {B,D,D} {B,D,F} {B,D,B} {B,F,U} {B,F,D} {B,F,F} {B,F,B} {B,B,U} {B,B,D} {B,B,F} {B,B,B}

Four Inputs

{U,U,U,U} {U,U,U,D} {U,U,U,F} {U,U,U,B} {U,U,D,U} {U,U,D,D} {U,U,D,F} {U,U,D,B} {U,U,F,U} {U,U,F,D} {U,U,F,F} {U,U,F,B} {U,U,B,U} {U,U,B,D} {U,U,B,F} {U,U,B,B} {U,D,U,U} {U,D,U,D} {U,D,U,F} {U,D,U,B} {U,D,D,U} {U,D,D,D} {U,D,D,F} {U,D,D,B} {U,D,F,U} {U,D,F,D} {U,D,F,F} {U,D,F,B} {U,D,B,U} {U,D,B,D} {U,D,B,F} {U,D,B,B} {U,F,U,U} {U,F,U,D} {U,F,U,F} {U,F,U,B} {U,F,D,U} {U,F,D,D} {U,F,D,F} {U,F,D,B} {U,F,F,U} {U,F,F,D} {U,F,F,F} {U,F,F,B} {U,F,B,U} {U,F,B,D} {U,F,B,F} {U,F,B,B} {U,B,U,U} {U,B,U,D} {U,B,U,F} {U,B,U,B} {U,B,D,U} {U,B,D,D} {U,B,D,F} {U,B,D,B} {U,B,F,U} {U,B,F,D} {U,B,F,F} {U,B,F,B} {U,B,B,U} {U,B,B,D} {U,B,B,F} {U,B,B,B} {D,U,U,U} {D,U,U,D} {D,U,U,F} {D,U,U,B} {D,U,D,U} {D,U,D,D} {D,U,D,F} {D,U,D,B} {D,U,F,U} {D,U,F,D} {D,U,F,F} {D,U,F,B} {D,U,B,U} {D,U,B,D} {D,U,B,F} {D,U,B,B} {D,D,U,U} {D,D,U,D} {D,D,U,F} {D,D,U,B} {D,D,D,U} {D,D,D,D} {D,D,D,F} {D,D,D,B} {D,D,F,U} {D,D,F,D} {D,D,F,F} {D,D,F,B} {D,D,B,U} {D,D,B,D} {D,D,B,F} {D,D,B,B} {D,F,U,U} {D,F,U,D} {D,F,U,F} {D,F,U,B} {D,F,D,U} {D,F,D,D} {D,F,D,F} {D,F,D,B} {D,F,F,U} {D,F,F,D} {D,F,F,F} {D,F,F,B} {D,F,B,U} {D,F,B,D} {D,F,B,F} {D,F,B,B} {D,B,U,U} {D,B,U,D} {D,B,U,F} {D,B,U,B} {D,B,D,U} {D,B,D,D} {D,B,D,F} {D,B,D,B} {D,B,F,U} {D,B,F,D} {D,B,F,F} {D,B,F,B} {D,B,B,U} {D,B,B,D} {D,B,B,F} {D,B,B,B} {F,U,U,U} {F,U,U,D} {F,U,U,F} {F,U,U,B} {F,U,D,U} {F,U,D,D} {F,U,D,F} {F,U,D,B} {F,U,F,U} {F,U,F,D} {F,U,F,F} {F,U,F,B} {F,U,B,U} {F,U,B,D} {F,U,B,F} {F,U,B,B} {F,D,U,U} {F,D,U,D} {F,D,U,F} {F,D,U,B} {F,D,D,U} {F,D,D,D} {F,D,D,F} {F,D,D,B} {F,D,F,U} {F,D,F,D} {F,D,F,F} {F,D,F,B} {F,D,B,U} {F,D,B,D} {F,D,B,F} {F,D,B,B} {F,F,U,U} {F,F,U,D} {F,F,U,F} {F,F,U,B} {F,F,D,U} {F,F,D,D} {F,F,D,F} {F,F,D,B} {F,F,F,U} {F,F,F,D} {F,F,F,F} {F,F,F,B} {F,F,B,U} {F,F,B,D} {F,F,B,F} {F,F,B,B} {F,B,U,U} {F,B,U,D} {F,B,U,F} {F,B,U,B} {F,B,D,U} {F,B,D,D} {F,B,D,F} {F,B,D,B} {F,B,F,U} {F,B,F,D} {F,B,F,F} {F,B,F,B} {F,B,B,U} {F,B,B,D} {F,B,B,F} {F,B,B,B} {B,U,U,U} {B,U,U,D} {B,U,U,F} {B,U,U,B} {B,U,D,U} {B,U,D,D} {B,U,D,F} {B,U,D,B} {B,U,F,U} {B,U,F,D} {B,U,F,F} {B,U,F,B} {B,U,B,U} {B,U,B,D} {B,U,B,F} {B,U,B,B} {B,D,U,U} {B,D,U,D} {B,D,U,F} {B,D,U,B} {B,D,D,U} {B,D,D,D} {B,D,D,F} {B,D,D,B} {B,D,F,U} {B,D,F,D} {B,D,F,F} {B,D,F,B} {B,D,B,U} {B,D,B,D} {B,D,B,F} {B,D,B,B} {B,F,U,U} {B,F,U,D} {B,F,U,F} {B,F,U,B} {B,F,D,U} {B,F,D,D} {B,F,D,F} {B,F,D,B} {B,F,F,U} {B,F,F,D} {B,F,F,F} {B,F,F,B} {B,F,B,U} {B,F,B,D} {B,F,B,F} {B,F,B,B} {B,B,U,U} {B,B,U,D} {B,B,U,F} {B,B,U,B} {B,B,D,U} {B,B,D,D} {B,B,D,F} {B,B,D,B} {B,B,F,U} {B,B,F,D} {B,B,F,F} {B,B,F,B} {B,B,B,U} {B,B,B,D} {B,B,B,F} {B,B,B,B}

All possible directional inputs if Nrs are sticking to only the four available


Getting better with age
Now i know how people felt when i rallyed to find the cyber sub toasty boost.
Not so pretty on this side of the wall of inputs.


The only hidden move I've found so far is Catwomans low whip. Input: bd3
I found another one with Batman I think, but I can not remember exactly what the input was or even what it did..
I think its a plausible theory.
Catwoman's low whip is in her moves list under normals


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
No one is helping me I need help lol
I tried all of the "two" inputs awhile ago. I didn't find anything. I don't know if it has to timed differently or what. I was going to try three inputs as well, but then I realized how many there were and I'm like "fuuuuck that Ill do it later" :D

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
I tried all of the "two" inputs awhile ago. I didn't find anything. I don't know if it has to timed differently or what. I was going to try three inputs as well, but then I realized how many there were and I'm like "fuuuuck that Ill do it later" :D
look at 4 imputs


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I dont think its any secret moves but if it was there, i say it be following up with another command straight after

like for example you do the chain one and straighta way do Grundys super but it has to finish the match, something like that

the part that pisses me off is how the Injustice FB answered someone who asked the question "Your gonna have to wait and see :)", even tough they never said yeah they made it look like it

Speaking off secrets anybody find any other than the Doomsdey alt

i reckon theres a hidden stage in Jokers Asylum that you can only do in Arcade