Earlier this month on September 7-8 in Sofia, Bulgaria featured a batch of players showing off their skills in Injustice at the Aviventure tournament. Featuring players such as Teh_Kingdunch(Killer Frost), Sauron (Ares), Vithar (Black Adam), Xenomorph (Solomon Grundy), Philip (Doomsday), Nuke (The Joker) and Error(Green Lanter, DS) and more. Below is some additional information provided to us by Sauron including the match footage.
My name is Ivo aka: Sauron and i am from Bulgaria. I would like to share with you and the rest of the staff of TYM that we had an Injustice : GAU tournament is Sofia, Bulgaria in the beggining of the month during Aniventure 2013 event. Our scene is not that big but we had 25 entrants for the tournament and we surely have people that are dedicated and love the NRS games.
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBilbhSIIhgJqSztIuJ9k0RdX_H48SDbT - here you can find archive from the games. The first 6 videos are made by handcam and the quality is not so good. The rest are from capture card and in the final two videos you can see (or everyone can see if you put this in the front page) the top 4 players. The final stand is as follows :
1st - Teh_Kingdunch (Killer Frost)
2nd - AG-Sauron (Ares)
3rd - Philip (Doomsday)
4th - Vithar (Black Adam)
5th - Xenomorph (Solomon Grundy)
5th - Nuke (The Joker)
Our community also have group in fb and if there is someone who would like to support us, please join - https://www.facebook.com/groups/359650607406873/
Thank you and have a nice weekend,
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