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SoCal's High Desert Fury
Posted by Saino
High Desert Math Tutor
Saturday, July 13, 2024 - 01:00 PM
Until: Saturday, July 13, 2024 - 11:59 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/Los_Angeles)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/Los_Angeles

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


High Desert Fury: Elevating SoCal's Competitive Fighting Game Scene

Welcome to High Desert Fury, a monthly tournament held in Southern California's High Desert! As the Tournament Organizer (TO), I'm excited to bring you the latest updates and highlights from our vibrant and competitive scene.

High Desert Fury has become a hub for some of the strongest players in the region. Renowned competitors like PerfectShini, Han Rashid, MFSlayer, and Eddzero are frequent attendees, showcasing their skills and contributing to the high level of competition. In addition to these well-known players, we also have incredibly talented individuals like STG Syzoth, STG Cheeko, and Blur, who might not participate in online tournaments who are equally as strong at our local events!

The SoCal fighting game community is thriving, and my goal is to amplify this momentum. By spotlighting exceptional players and promoting local tournaments, I aim to encourage more players to attend local events and show how fun it can be. Additionally, I hope that other TOs will follow my lead and start posting about their events as well.

I do plan to cover other locals in SoCal, but until I find a rhythm on posting these, I'm going to make it slightly easier for myself by keeping it just to my local . Follow me on Twitter and Twitch to stay connected and never miss an update.

Thank you for your support!


And kicking things off with the first post, our most recent event was held last Saturday! It was a special one as it was on my birthday! So to celebrate I put $500 of my own money as a pot bonus! And 16 participants, Han Rashid emerged victorious, taking home $376!

High Desert Fury - June 2024 VOD

Part 1: Click here

Part 2: Click here


Check out the start.gg by clicking here

Our next event will be on July 13th! Join my Discord here or check out my Twitter here for more info!



I MIGHTVE FORGOTTEN TO POST JULY'S RESULTS LOL. Anyways this bracket was more or less a fun practice bracket the week before EVO. Although it was small SoCal's best did play and it was SWEATY. With Han YET AGAIN winning the bracket

High Desert Fury - July 13th 2024 VOD


