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SoCal Regionals Trailer - 1st Evo Qualifier Plus Pre-Tournament Matches


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One week from tomorrow marks the date for SoCal Regionals 2013! It is the very first (one of four) Evolution qualifying tournaments. Mortal Kombat will be in full-effect along with returning players such as DetroitBalln, Konqrr and many more. During the WakeUpSRK podcast where the reveal of the Evo 2013 line-up was announced, they also showed us this trailer for SCR. Check it out if you haven't yet.

Additionally, check out how the SoCal Mortal Kombat crew are training for their visitors...

Red Reaper vs EGP Wonder Chef

EGP Krayzie vs Son ov Timett

GuamoKun vs Killa Solid

GuamoKun vs Son ov Timett

GuamoKun vs EGP Wonder Chef

EGP Krayzie vs SatsuiYesHadou

Red Reaper vs Son ov Timett

Red Reaper vs Toro

Red Reaper vs Seven

EGP Krayzie vs GuamoKun

Red Reaper vs Awesomo

Red Reaper vs GuamoKun

EGP Krayzie vs Seven
Can't wait to be watching this. This is gonna be hype.
yes indeed, detroit making his epic comeback, an original vegas crew member is coming back (Flawedzilla), utah, arizona, norcal, vegas, socal, atl(Pig), and GGA(bit) will all be in attendance, could get about 60 plus, that is a great way to start the year and it is an evo qualifier, so it's going to be hype.
You guys are gonna be here on Thursday? If so, my house is always open to you guys for some casuals.

Otherwise, if someone has a hotel near the venue, I'm sure we could do something.

What time and when do you guys plan to get here?
uhm will leave early thursday, like 11am and be there around 4pm. I believe dab's got some of the egp crews numbers, so we can definitely meet up and play some.


Sounds good.

I'm actually 45 minutes from the venue, but like I said. If you guys want to come get games down here, its all good, just holler at me.

My phone is disconnected right now, and I have a free text app. I'm gonna try and get my phone back online soon though... I'm broke... lol


I'm much closer to the venue than i am to Krayzie's place so if any of you decide to have casuals at your hotel thursday let me or Cowboy know and we'll shoot down there

Krayzie i believe you still have my number, so keep me updated pls

See you all next week!

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
My Speedo is ready.

........except I'm not actually going to SCR.

........nor do I own a Speedo.

........nor do I actually have the body TO wear a Speedo.