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Question So Skarlet's general strategy is to zone and punish?


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I know there is a thread about her gameplay but from quickly going through it it seems like it mostly has combos. I remember wanting to learn her when she came out but she felt awkward to me so I didn't put much effort into it. I am going to try using her again but I just want to make sure I play how I am supposed to.
I don't play her that way at all. I rushdown/mixup with her red dash and various strings. I almost never throw the daggers except in combos.
@OP short answer yes, long answer "ehhhhhhhhhhh....."

@above: even if you refuse to zone you should throw one and do a cancel into a forward jump or dash into red dash to catch them off guard. It doesn't keep them in blockstun but they often expect something like, more daggers for instance. or a dash to low. or more daggers. It takes balls to call skarlet on her bluffs and try to interrupt sometimes. Sooner or later they'll mess up bad, unless they are perfect legend or somebody.

But basically before you set that kind of stuff up you gotta take advantage of throwing as many daggers as you can, without getting punished, if not for the zoning, then simply because enhanced red dash is the shit. You can interrupt them with a downslash during the enhanced red dash because of the armor, no guess required.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
After playing a couple matches with her online I don't know if she's the character for me lol. She just feels so awkward to use. Her moves come out slow and while her daggers are good and all, I end up just throwing them without accomplishing much. I use Reptile, Mileena and CSZ and after a bit of time in practice mode it wasn't too hard to use them against people and eventually it felt natural, but with Skarlet I'm having trouble doing much of anything.
After playing a couple matches with her online I don't know if she's the character for me lol. She just feels so awkward to use. Her moves come out slow and while her daggers are good and all, I end up just throwing them without accomplishing much. I use Reptile, Mileena and CSZ and after a bit of time in practice mode it wasn't too hard to use them against people and eventually it felt natural, but with Skarlet I'm having trouble doing much of anything.
She has a steep learning curve and the lag makes it hard to perform her precise timing combos.

f2,1,2,2+1 is your friend. it can be canceled into red dash into upslash to combo or canceled into her teleport.

You should also try mixing up the opponent with red dash. Do the slide twice then pop the overhead out and combo them for 30+%. Then you can throw some daggers to pressure them.
f212,1+2 can be ok to start with for easy mid-damage (follow up with red dash-upslash-jk-teleport drop for easy ~30%) but I wouldn't get used to it because of how long you can get stuck if something goes wrong. The biggest advantage of that string, to me, is that a lot of people still don't know theres a overhead at the end.

She takes a lot of work. The awkwardness just takes time, you have to be more confident with the combos and daggers. There are interchanging pieces to her that you need to have down so you can improvise. Every time I've leveled up with her, its been frustrating and I never really saw the fruits until the next day when it became more of an instinct.

I know people have used this analogy a lot for other characters here, but she really does remind me of Akuma. The red dash is her demon flip, her kunais are the air EX fireballs to cover the approach. She feels like she has lower health in a sense, because you're going to be harassing them far more then they are to you, in order to do the same amount of damage until/unless you land a giant combo to remind them whats what. Like Akuma it doesn't always feel like you should be focused on zoning, yet you end up having to zone in order to make openings. The only thing missing is a monstrously damaging x-ray.
I don't play her that way at all. I rushdown/mixup with her red dash and various strings. I almost never throw the daggers except in combos.
i love the daggers as zoning tools. they're fast and you can delay the second and play mind games with your opponent. red dash however, i find useless.