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So now that wake up attacks work properly when is the best time to ground pound?


Online Punching Bag
I used to get knockdowns with say a f4, 2, 3 or jump kicks or whatever and then ground pound to lead into more combos. Now most people that I've fought since the patch unless playing dead just wake up and the GP does nothing. Any suggestions as far as when it should be useful? Should I just randomly bust one out when they don't expect it maybe cancel it and go into another move after they wake up.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
We gotta stop making threads to answer one question. Anyways...the ground pound can stuff a ton of wake up attacks. You should test which ones can it stuff or not. Even when the opponent figures out, you can gp cancel into a ex dash punch, d3 into overhead smash ending with an ex ground pound. You can even do an ex overhead smash.