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So i've read Brutalities weren't that popular in US

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I've read somewhere (possibly wikipedia) sometime ago that when UMK3 came out with the Brutality feature that this finish move wasn't so popular because it was too manually and hard to do. Really?

I'm now actually curious to find out if it was the same thing in different countries.
Angola is possibly the Nº1 fan of Brutality, we love it because its all about rhythm and because is manual. That feel of pressing every button dooming the character to explode once you input all the combination was considered by many the best feeling MK ever transmitted into a gamer. Also, any watcher would have an orgasm just by watching someone getting hit multiple times to death with a combo that would speed vastly once the screen turned black.

So it was definitely the 1st choice finisher instead of fatalities, during the Sega Genesis era, we used to Sing the brutalities inside the rhythm they had with the Genesis inputs and every "ah" the victim produced from a input. (XC, ZA, XZZ, XXAX) (XXB, ZB, CB, AB, XB or XX, BZ, BC, BA, BX, B)
Man these used to be awesome, how come US hate Brutalities?


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
That feel of pressing every button dooming the character to explode once you input all the combination was considered by many the best feeling MK ever transmitted into a gamer.

And it is for this precise reason that Brutalities were my favorite to do. PLUS, nowadays if you have your speakers hooked up to a subwoofer, maaaaan your house SHAKES when B-R-U-T-A-L-I-T-Y comes up on to your screen. LOVE IT


kombat doctor
Just my opinion but I personally thought brutalities were great! They were fun to watch because you never knew if the player was actually going to get in all the inputs until a few seconds into it so there was suspense. The problem for many people was that the brutalities were just too hard to pull off, especially for low experience and many mid level players. Also memorizing the inputs for a brutality had little reward. It took a decent amount of time and practice but did not improve the players' competitive edge... That's all I have to say about that.
Also memorizing the inputs for a brutality had little reward. It took a decent amount of time and practice but did not improve the players' competitive edge.
I respect your opinion, but I respond to that part of your post with the following sentences:

Little reward, if you're alone.
If you're with a crowd at the arcade or something, you'll feel like a total badass when you pull it off.


kombat doctor
I respect your opinion but I respond to that part of your post, with the following sentences:

Little reward, if you're alone.
If you're with a crowd at the arcade or something, you'll feel like a total badass when you pull it off.

True, true, it's a definite moral boost for the player who pulls it off so as long as you have the skill to win matches it has its purpose

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
I remember that there was a leaked sound file of mk9's Brutality (announcer's voice), then NRS said they didn't have enough time for that.
I don't like Brutalities except MKSM's version.


Play Monster Hunter!
I was never a fan of Brutalities. They just seemed all the same. I'd much prefer they use that space for Friendships, Animalities, etc.

Id rather they not bother with any of those.

Fatalities and Babalities are the best combination.

MK9 babys are basically friendships anyway, but better since with friendships you always see the same one if you only play one character, with babies you get to see all of them when kicking peoples asses.

Animalities are just weird...

Maybe mercies could come back.


They weren't popular because they were stupid as shit looking, same reason why everyone hated all the MK3 fatalities.

what the flying fuck are you smoking?

but seriously i loved mk3 and the bad animations and so on. i was under the impression from my friends and my locale that mk3 was super popular and the old animations and fatalities and brutalities are highly endearing imo. i mean what other game allows 5 skulls and 7 torsos per person?


Grapple > Footsies
Id rather they not bother with any of those.

Fatalities and Babalities are the best combination.

MK9 babys are basically friendships anyway, but better since with friendships you always see the same one if you only play one character, with babies you get to see all of them when kicking peoples asses.

Animalities are just weird...

Maybe mercies could come back.
Mercy's would be awesome for trolling purposes. I liked Animalities because you could only do them after a Mercy.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
the rythm part of the brutalities are what i remember, and why i liked them. but yeah, over all the were just poorly done (like the animalities and a lot of fatalities), and they just got worse in MKT.

i wouldn't mind if they came back one day though, they were still fun to pull out and watch.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
They weren't popular because they were stupid as shit looking, same reason why everyone hated all the MK3 fatalities.
This. While there was a couple good ones, the overwhelming majority of the Fat.'s were terrible. Animalities were Terrible too, tho Cyrax's was awesome & the mercy mechanic was cool because of the fact you were giving the other player One more chance.

Brutalities were added in for the console stuff & was a lame way to program in something new. No thanks....

Sent from The Turk


Oh, my days !
It would be a good idea for the brutalities to be cut-scenes like the ones that MK9 had after beatiing Shao Kahn...
For example, you just press down the combination and the brutality cut-scene starts which leads to the loser getting his ass handed to him. Not necessarily having the loser exploding or anything, just Jack Bauering the hell out of him!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
fatality>friendship>hara kiri>babality>brutalities>animalities..................>mkvsdc fatalities/heroic brutalities.

is the way i personally rate my liking of mk match enders over the years.


Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
fatality>friendship>hara kiri>babality>brutalities>animalities..................>mkvsdc fatalities/heroic brutalities.

is the way i personally rate my liking of mk match enders over the years.

This 1000%. and #harakiriformk10!!! I really like it I remember that someone tweeted Ed Boon about stage hara-kiri, that thing would be awesome hahahhah.
I like Brutalities being in MK10, but i want it to be like MKSM Brutalities, not the stupid shit we had in MK3.


Infinite Meter Kombos
One button finishers in options menu.
Brutalities have been tarnished with the oxymoron "Heroic Brutality" from MK vs DC that unless it changes to something like Ashrah's voodoo doll fatality or Lei Mei's Dim Mak Fatality, I can live without it.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
I always thought that brutalities were lazy and unspectacular, especially since there were so many inputs. It just wasn't worth it. Animalities on the other hand were awesome.


I always thought that brutalities were lazy and unspectacular, especially since there were so many inputs. It just wasn't worth it. Animalities on the other hand were awesome.
Lazy and unspectacular maybe not so much, but the inputs, ugh. Never managed to learn them even for my favorite chars.


Brutalities are alright but would like to see them return in MK10. Ed Boon and NRS said they were working on a brutality system for MK9 but scrapped it because there wasn't enough time to finish it. Would had been kool though and would probably be unique like babalities in MK9.